on a saturday like this?

27 4 2

Warnings: drug mention, panic
Authors note/Update at the bottom :]


Knock. Knock. Knockknockknock-

Waking with a gasp, Jackie tosses the blanket off and away from his body with near most success. His foot catches in the twist of fabric and once again he has to think to himself, huh maybe I should invest in something easier to wrangle. But god, shit- Focus! He doesn't have a moment to think, he has to just go. Such is the life of a hero.
On the move always, right?

Only a few seconds to dash up off the couch and to the front door of his small but homey apartment. He flings the door open without even checking who could be behind it- He's a hero! He could take it if the other side was hostile. Again, hero life. Dangerous. Always ready for action!

And the other side is usually hostile. And tonight it could have easily been so, instead he finds a well known- but terrified face.

His villain, Anti.

"Wha-" Momentarily stunned, then quickly with confusion and worry all tying itself in a binding knot he leads the actively panicking one inside. Hero instinct possibly.

All the while, his foe is scrambling for words and with his words. Babbling nearly the same thing over and over. Something about the shadows, maybe a nightmare? Nah, villains wouldn't be such a victim to that! Huh.. His story maybe?

"Slow down, I can't tell what you're saying." Jackie says, gently in a tone not often used on Anti. "Just, dial back, yeah?"

Anti takes a few shuddering breaths, seems to be collecting.. something. His hands that were once knocking on a door stay held up high, as if he is still physically at the door. 

"I- Couldn't stay, stay alone.. But!" He stops, hands finally breaking free of the frozen spell to rub at his face, irritating the skin there even more. Given by the ugly red marks all over and the red to his eyes, tear stains? "I don't know any.. anyone! But you..." The admission weighs heavy in the air, tears push out from the corner of Anti's eyes.

Jackie fears if he lets that sink in then he might start tearing up, and he cannot afford that right now. No, he has a job to do! Always. Even if it is with his nemesis, the source of his bruises.

"Hey, it's okay- we don't have to fight right now." Jackie guides the other onto the couch slowly. "Sit. Sit down for a moment, yeah?" Gently and securely, Anti settles onto the couch with a blanket on offer near instantly. The very same that held Jackie oh-so-tightly only a few seconds ago.

Jackie watches as Anti now clings to the fabric around him, his sharp and painted claws threatening the very integrity of every thread that keeps the blanket together. If no objections are to be provided, it very well seems that he might do just that. Beside the hiccups racking through his entire body, he is still. Near unnoticeable.

But he is noticed.

Jackie reaches out to him again, his sturdy hands grab at the ever restless ones to hold and take place of the vulnerable fabric. The blanket may yet endure future nights of use.

"Hey, hey." Jackie speaks softly, eyes searching for Anti's as he tries to help the other. Not only does he search for recognition, but any impairments. Foul play here? Maybe check for any signs of assault or drugs. It seems that maybe one of those would be likely? Surely when Anti said 'I don't know anyone but you', that couldn't have been entirely true. Right? The guy has to have some ene-friends. Or maybe just enemies?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02 ⏰

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