A broken glitch, part two

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Many of these oneshots will be based of differing headcanons and possibly some rps that I have participated in.

(( this one isnt as long, sorry :[ ))

TW: bad headspace, general sad mood but it isnt as bad as the first part, mention of death

"Anti. You're not going to die by being stubborn, talk to us. None of us want you dead." He starts tearing up, holding onto his hands like he'll disappear if he let's go. Anti continues to be unresponsive.

Hours pass and Jackie is in tears, still beside Anti. He hasn't responded yet but the hero wouldnt just leave him alone, it isnt safe for him to be alone. Jackie hugs the glitch, slowly rubbing his back as tears fall down.

"You're safe with us. You can be open, it's okay." He tries again to get the glitch to talk. He still makes no signs of communication.

A knock sounds at the door, and Jackie slowly sits up.

"It's Marvin." His voice is gentle, and a beacon of relief for Jackie.

Jackie bites his lip and looks at Anti, he doesnt seem to react at all.

"Come in." Jackie watches as Marvin enters, his mask seated ontop of his head. The magician looks around before his eyes land on the glitch.

"Hey there, Anti.. you doing alright?" Marvin attempts to get an answer from him, but again the glitch is silent. Jackie gives Marvin a worried look, bloodshot eyes and tears showing how bad it is. Marvin steps in and closes the door behind him.

"Jackie, why dont you go take a few? I'll stay with him." Jackie looks at Anti, not wanting to leave him, but he knows he should take a breather. He nods and slowly gets up.

"Thanks Marvin.." He looks at the glitch. "I'll be back later buddy." Jackie leaves the room, and Marvin awkwardly stands by the door.

"So.. anything you want to chat about?" He attempts conversation like the hero did. Anti barely moves to breathe. He frowns, moving to sit beside him. "Are you even still here?" He hesitantly puts his hand on his head, gently moving him. Anti doesnt make any signs of recognition, making the magician worry more. He uses magic to see what his mind is like currently, not liking what he sees.

"Oh Anti.. you cant stay there." He looks around, trying to see anything could bring him back. He spots a pocketknife that was gifted to him by JJ, the always kind hearted one, and brings it over. "Here, it's a gift you loved. JJ gave it to you." He places the weapon in Antis hands, moving his hands so it could feel the texture and shape. Come on Anti, you dont need to hide.

Anti twitches very faintly, his fingers lightly touch the gift.

Marvin smiles, watching him closely. "There you go.." He mumbles, really hoping this would be enough to pull him out.

He keeps lightly feeling the knife, slowly moving more and recognizing it. His mind starts slowly clearing enough for him to peek out.

"Its okay, just me and your gift here. It's safe Anti."

He takes a shaky breath, holding the knife tightly now.

"Keep going, breathe."

He takes uneven breaths, but is coming out of his headspace. He blinks, slowly recognizing his surroundings.

"Good, you're doing great." I cant believe that worked.. He smiles, watching as Antis eyes seem aware again.

He looks around, holding the gift close. He spots Marvin and stares at him.

"..Marvin?" He sounds so broken and small, looks like it too. Marvin smiles gently and nods.

"Yeah, its me."

Anti shudders and looks away, running his finger along the edge of the pocketknife.

"I dont want to be here.." He mumbles, keeping his eyes away from the magician.

"What's going on?" Marvin frowns slightly. Anti shakes his head and curls inwards. "Its okay, you dont have to talk yet.. you hungry?" Anti stares down before shrugging slightly. "Come with me, you can decide out there, okay?" Marvin gets up, looking at Anti with his hand held out. He hesitantly takes his hand and stands up.


- - - - - -

Marvin and Anti enter the kitchen, the magician heads to the fridge and the glitch hangs out by the wall. Jackie sees them enter and puts his half eaten sandwich down.

"Hey guys, you getting some food?" He sounds happy that Anti is moving. Marvin nods and takes lead in conversation.

"Yep," Marvin smiles and nods. "I brought Anti down with me just in case he wanted food too. It's been a lot these past few days."

The glitch stays quiet, hanging by the wall, and Jackie smiles at him.

"I'm glad you're out here, bud." He doesnt get a response from Anti, but hes out here and that's what matters to the hero.

Marvin hums softly, getting himself a salad with some fruit. He thinks back to Anti's head and wonders if that's a state he often goes to.. He hopes not.

Jackie continues failing at conversation with Anti, but hes okay with that.

"So," Marvin finally interjects, holding a bowl of salad. "What do you want Anti?" Said ego looks at Marvin, blinking and glancing at the fridge.

"Not hungry.." He mumbles, holding himself. Marvin raises a brow. He rethinks his answer. "Do you still have goldfish?" That gets him a smile in response.

"We sure do, I'll get you the box." Marvin puts his salad down, heading over to the pantry and retrieving the goldfish for Anti. He hears a very faint thanks from him and smiles. "Of course." He brings the box over and gives it to the glitch- who opens it and eats it quietly.

"So," the hero starts. "I have a new game.. and I'm wondering if youd like to play? It's a cute game, real peaceful." Anti looks at him, thinking about his offer.

After a moment, he responds. "Sure.."

He isnt better yet, and he would have bad thoughts over and over.. but one day he'll feel at home with the egos. One day.

(( I feel like that's a cheap ending, but I wouldnt know how else to end it without taking a much longer time- I hope this is acceptable? I know this is not the best ending :/ ))

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