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Many of these oneshots will be based of differing headcanons and possibly some rps that I have participated in.

TW: language, blood, agony/torture, character death, abandoned, void-afterlife

A virus destroys from the inside..

"rAGh- Just give up already!" Anti growls at Marvin, growing quite annoyed with the neverending spells the magician conjures.

"Not a chance, parasite!" He yells back, quickly charging a spell and blasting Anti in the chest.

"aAH-" Anti is taken aback by the hit and stands there, confused. Until he notices that he can't glitch. "What did you do?!" He yells both from anger and fear. Marvin gives him a cold, exhausted stare.

"It'll soon be over.. goodbye, glitch bitch." Marvin disappears in a puff of smoke, leaving Anti afraid and alone.

"W-what did you do!?" He screams and starts shaking. He tries glitching back to his place, but is met with a stinging pain in his hands, seemingly crawling up his arms. His eyes widen as his insides start hurting. "fuck.. ow, agh..hh"

He shakes and his torso twists with pain, he falls to the ground. His body convulses and stabs him with pain from the inside. "aaah- aH-" He cries out and groans from the unbearable amount of pain hitting him. His insides feel like burning daggers, slicing and stabbing from the inside.

He shakes harder and tears up, stuck in agony. Stop! It hurts hurts hurts so so much, please make it stop! He lets out a shriek of pain, just before his vocal chords start tearing from the spell placed on him. He cries and shakes as he starts coughing out blood.

"hh- agh- j-jaa-" He weakly tries calling for Jack, hoping that he would save him from this. Please, help me! Jack! He holds his body tightly, and continues trying to call for him. "J-aaaahhh- gghh-"

He coughs out more blood and whimpers as he realizes, this is how he dies.

Tears flow harder and he shakes violently as his lungs start failing. No, stay awake. I dont want to die. I dont want to die I dont want to die. Help me help. Please. Jack.. anyone! I dont want to die! His eyes widen as much as they can as he weakly, brokenly tries to breathe. He coughs out more blood and starts losing consciousness, he tries desperately to stay awake. I'm scared..

Soon, it all fades to black.. and the virus is dead.

- - - - - -
The void.

Anti opens his eyes, but it seems just like when they were closed. Dark.. no distinguishing features or even the floating colors. Just.. darkness.. He starts to shake and he tries sitting up, but finds that to be very.. misoriented. He exhales shakily and tries speaking, with a lingering taste of blood in his mouth.

"hh..h-Hello?" His voice is small, and strained. He clears his throat, with a faint ghost of pain, and tries again. "Hello?? Can anybody hear me?.."

He tries not to think about what his last moments were.. hopefully someone may have saved him. Maybe Marvin came back.. and saved me.. someone?.. He whimpers and tears up. No one saved me.. He sniffles and blindly wipes at his face, very quickly descending into tears again.

"I..I'm ss-sorry.. please.. I dont want to be alone. Someone save me!" He starts yelling, crying out for someone to take him back. He soon runs out of breath and sobs, running his hands into his hair and gripping tightly.

"Please I'll be good I'll stop glitching and hurting everyone I swear I'll be good please.. someone.. I'm so scared.. I dont want to be alone.." He cries quietly, ending up laying back down and curling in on himself.

"Jack?.. please take me back.. please.." He holds himself and sobs, pleading for someone to take him back.

No one saved him.

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