Help from The Good Doctor

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Many of these oneshots will be based of differing headcanons and possibly some rps that I have participated in.

TW: blood, stitching, needles

The sound of frantic knocking interrupts the doctor's thoughts and he leaves his desk to open the door. He hesitates on opening it, hearing the static sound behind it, but he opens up as he realizes how weak the sound is.

"Help.. neck.." A quiet glitchy voice speaks, and Henrik looks to the floor to see the man that spoke. Anti's form glitches a bit as he leans against the doorway, sitting in the floor. 

Henrik opens the door more and steps out, moving to help pick up Anti from the floor.

"Come on Anti, help me pick you up." He places his hands on Anti's sides, and Anti tries pulling himself up by grabbing Henrik's shoulders. They manage to get into the room and Henrik places Anti on the bed. "Stay avake Anti." Anti sways a bit, and moves to lay down. Henrik brings over his medical tools and gently moves Anti so he is facing upwards.

"Tired..sleep.." Anti grumbles a bit, speaking quietly.

Henrik shakes his head. "You have to stay avake." Anti grumbles, but makes no move to readjust for sleep. Henrik sighs and starts working on Anti's neck. Anti's body glitches as Henrik works on him, the sound of static not there. "Vhat caused zhis, Anti?"

Anti looks away, and mumbles something. Henrik taps him a bit, causing Anti to look at him. "Vhat opened to it zhis time?" Anti bites his lip. "Anti."

"I went out and fought with Jackie.." He says quietly, but enough for Henrik to hear him.

Henrik sighs. "Anti, you've got to stop vith zhat. It von't do you any good."
Anti glitches and and squirms a bit.

"It at least does something.. I'm alone if I don't cause trouble with him." Henrik sighs.

"Zhen go be vith Jameson or Robbie. Zhey are available most of zhe time, and it von't cause you pain." Anti looks away. Henrik shakes his head, keeping the needle steady as it goes through Anti. Anti makes quiet noises of discomfort, but Henrik does not stop till it's done. He finally finishes and taps Anti gently. "Is zhere anyvhere else zhat hurts?"  

Anti shakes his head. "Just sore.." He mumbles. Henrik cleans up, himself and the tools. Anti glances over at Henrik as the doctor grabs some medicine he kept in the office. He sighs, "I don't need it Doc. Deserve this."

Henrik shakes his head. "Incorrect. Here, take one every few hours for a couple days, and keep some heating pads with you."  Anti frowns, but takes the bottle anyways and nods to show he's listening. Henrik smiles softly. "You are different, Anti."  Anti looks at him, silently disagreeing.

He gets off the bed, a little shakily, and glances at Henrik. "Thanks Hen.."  He walks off and leaves the room. Henrik smiles sadly at Anti as he leaves. 

"No problem, Anti." The good doctor is determined to help Anti see how he's changed, but for now he lets the ego rest and goes back to his desk.

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