Well, curiosity killed the cat.

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Chosen prompt in this post: https://joviewinchester.tumblr.com/post/660902046898225152/october-2021-writing-challenge
Prompt 4: "You're a witch and you're scared of a haunted house?" 

"Oh my god! Get away-" Screeches the cat man, slamming his room door shut. "Shut up!!" Marvin yells, pressing against the wood to keep away the taunting jeers of his house mate.

Laughter erupts from the other side.

"Marv- Jeez man, calm down. You're a witch and you're scared of a haunted house?" The giggly man known as Jackie leans against the wall close to the cat man room's door. "It'll be fun! And we can go in just ourselves so no one else will hear you scream from fear."

"No! I hate this all, go away I'm going to stay here." Marvin huffs, crossing his arms and then heading over to his bed. He gets onto his bed and lifts the comforter, pulling it to his body and hiding away from the terror known as haunted houses.

"Okay, you don't have to go." Jackie surrenders, staying nearby. "Why're you so scared though?"

"Don't wanna say." He frowns, looking down at the sheets and fiddling with the blanket.

It was at this moment, that Jackie realized this was more than just a silly joke. He looks to the door and thinks for a moment.

"Wanna go watch a movie? I've got popcorn." He offers to ease the conscious of the magician on the other side.

Marvin looks to the door as he debates this, thinking before sliding up from his bed and heading to the door to open it. "There candy popcorn too?" He asks quietly.

"Of course" Jackie smiles, lending a hand to Marvin. The other takes it and walks over, ready for movie cuddles and candy popcorn.

The two head to the living room, taking seat at the couch and looking to the tv, movie set and popcorn bowl nabbed from the way over. It doesn't take long for the sound of a movie to take over the main sound. Filling the air and taking away from the worries and fears of the haunted house topic.

It was nice.

Jackie looked down at the sleeping man on his chest, smiling gently and playing with his hair to keep him calm during sleep. He's glad that Marvin hadn't realized what was off about this place.. It surprises him, the witch hadn't checked this place of all.

He hopes he doesn't check, for his own sanity.

The movie fades to black, a faded grin appearing to send the hero off to sleep.

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