Well Fuck

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Chosen prompt in this post:  https://joviewinchester.tumblr.com/post/660902046898225152/october-2021-writing-challenge
Prompt 1: Crashed costume party 
Content warning:

Everything was perfect. Well, perfect might be a bit ambitious but it was all set up and everything was all right where they needed to be. Nothing could go wrong! Said everyone just before disaster.

Let's introduce the crew shall we?

Entering the living room, one would see artificial cobwebs and spiders placed so deliberately along the walls and corners, hung up by tacks and other such things. The occasional bloody handprint placed by the walkways to different rooms and on the walls to give that edge of oh so good murder scenes.

A table placed along the back wall is filled with various snacks and a couple large pitchers of juice and punch. A cauldron full with candy takes its place at the center of the table, smaller decorations hug and surround the area.

Oh! The most important thing about this whole event and I haven't even spoken a word over it. Silly me.

Thanks to the dutiful and determined nature of a certain puppet maker, that happens to know a let of sewing and clothing design methods, there shall be a costume party! With the help of Jameson who made the other egos' desired costumes. With the exception of Marvin and Jackie, who both have their own experience with fabrics and crafting. Strangely enough, Marvin said he would sit out this year. Something about having to gather supplies since this is a very good time for potions and other enchantments. Magic shit.

Anyways, why don't we check on the time? Oh, it's nearly seven thirty which means that there should be...

Ding dong.

Friends! Jameson, the lively and crafty lad claps his hands a couple times before heading to the door. Wasting no time! Just when I thought they'd be showing up, oh joy!

"Hey JJ!" Exuberant as ever, the red hero greets the silent lad with a quick and warm hug. Just as one would expect from him. "Cant wait to see everyone's costumes- Uh-" Wait a damn minute. Somethings wrong here. Something with this picture.. JJ isn't wearing his costume.

"JJ! Where's your costume!?" Jackie is lost on this, confounded- Why isn't he wearing a costume?? The lad just smiles and waves his hands quickly before signing to Jackie, urging him to calm down a tad.

"I have a costume, no worries friend. I've been busy decorating and baking." Jameson grins to his very excited friend, and worried over something like this. Which, is very understandable considering this is a costume party. Everyone's gotta have a costume for the event!

"Ohhh-" Jackie laughs. "Well, go! Get suited Jay', people will be here soon!" He shoos the other, ushering him away to get ready for the costume party.

"Alright, alright! I'll be off and then back lickety split!" JJ shoots him a couple of finger guns before heading off to his room to get dressed.

With the hero, he roamed around the living room- getting first peek at the decorated room for the party. "Ooo-" He whispers, seeing the room look very different to the dapper man's usual living set up. He smiled and adjusted his eyepatch to get a better look at the area.

The new sight really helped the hero avoid tripping into the couch that he was, without fully being aware, heading into. "oop- Almost ruined ma' legs and lost me hat." He giggles to himself, putting on a decent pirate accent that he's been so excitedly practicing.

Just to get this train rolling, and ease my steadily declining focus on one task. We shall say that it is now a few moments after the bunch of them have joined the house.

Let's do a quick overview of the lads, eh?

Jackie is very excitedly chatting with Robbie the zombie, the latter showed up in a flowery outfit. His reasoning being that he wanted to dress as pretty things, and flowers are his favorite. The two are discussing the mechanics of one of their favorite games. A horror game to be vaguely specific.

Henrik had grabbed a cup of the punch and seated himself on the couch, bordering the line between falling asleep and zoned out. It had been a long day, and the doctor is already worried over what injuries could happen. He needs the halfway nap. The good doctor put on a fancy coat, claiming he dressed as a fancy doctor. It was admittedly a tad lazy, but no one really got on his case over it. It's a really cool coat.

Chase and JJ are chatting about the look of the place, and the food, and also kids. They enjoy talking about shows together, both of them fond of making children happy in their respective jobs. It's a good bonding subject, and it makes the separation from Chase's own children a little more bearable.

Little note that Chase does get to see his kids, I'm not being that mean yet.

The bro himself dressed up as a superhero, admiring the bravery that comes with the title and also the cool outfits that they are often seen in. A comic fan he is. Oh, and lastly JJ's costume. He chose the oh so iconic vampire costume. Cape and all. He's very proud of this look, took him some time.

And now with all the people here I must bid you, a good-


Oh fuck- Who could've guessed that this event could've been interrupted by two different people coming barreling through the wall via portal.

"Back ya fucking gremlin!" An angry cat man shouts, scrambling up to his feet and holding a spray bottle. "Stop messing with ma' shit!"

The other cackles with static climbing up the walls. "This is prime time to mess with you lot!~ Why can't I join the fun?"

"Oh no!" Jackie yells out, drawing the attention to himself as he leaps over to tackle the demon. The hero gets the other down for a moment, holding him from causing chaos entirely.

"Ahaha! Aww Jackie, I just want to join in. I'm dressed up." He giggles mischievously, eyeing the hero above him before glitching away.

"I promise to only do the socially acceptable things." He says, plopping down on the couch besides the now very awake doctor. "Like party." Such a smug expression on the living wild card.

Jackie gets up quickly, looking over to Anti and then Marvin. "Well? What was he doing before you two showed up?" The hero doesn't like this, he looks back over at Anti who is now smirking at the doctor.

Henrik frowns, muttering under his breath. "You just put on a different shirt."

"I know, dressed up I am." Anti replies, smug and glancing to Jackie.

Marvin huffs and fixes his hair, looking to Jackie. "He swallowed all of what I had just gathered. All of it!"

Wha- Jackie tilts his head, very slowly, in confusion before finally speaking again. "He didn't attack you or anything like that?"

"Nope. Just was a dick and ruined all of what I worked for." Marvin turns to glare at Anti, his eye twitching from the immense irritation.

They all look at Anti deciding on what to do about this. Tensions high, everything quiet as the lads think and contemplate.

"Want some cookies bros?"

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