With a New Ego, comes New Plans

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Many of these oneshots will be based of differing headcanons and possibly some rps that I have participated in.

TW: language, self doubt, general sadness, feeling left out

Anti's favorite holiday- scratch the first line.

The whole month is his favorite, the spook and chill are upped and Halloween is at the end! The glitch himself grins and rushes downstairs, excited for what plans the others have in store. He's usually never involved in planning because of his tendency to get distracted easily or bored- which is not fun to deal with.

"Sup bitches! What's the plan?!" He grins wildly with little sparks around him. He stares at the group who had been congregated in the dining room. Chase and Marvin flinch, not Jackie who huffs and rolls his eyes. Anti cackles seeing the reactions.

"Nothing much, glitch. Why're you so excited?" Jackie is already done with his antics.

"Why am I excited? What do mean- it's Halloween?!" He twitches and squints at Jackie before noting that Henrik is missing. "And where's the doc?" Jackie sighs.

"Henrik is chatting with JJ." He grabs his cup of coffee and heads out- before he gets stopped by Anti's hand.

"Wait a sec, JJ? Who the fuck is that?" Anti tilts his head, keeping his hand against Jackie's chest. Jackie smirks and sips his coffee before sliding Anti's hand off.

"You'll see." Jackie walks off to his room. Anti scoffs and looks back at Marvin and Chase who both look back at the table. Anti goes over to Chase and slams his hand down on the back of his chair.

"Chase. Care to explain?" Chase stiffens and looks at Marvin pleadingly, said ego rolls his eyes.

"Just go to the living room and you'll meet him." Chase smiles gratefully at Marvin and Marvin shakes his head. Anti frowns and buzzes, moving away from Chase and leaving the dining room.

"You owe me." Marvin mutters to Chase.

- -
Anti enters the living room and stares at the stranger, JJ, with tamed hostility.

"Who's the new bitch?" Anti doesn't care about first impressions, but that doesn't mean he won't give one. JJ and Henrik turn to him, Henrik with a look of 'really' and JJ with timid politeness. JJ smiles and waves at Anti, starting to sign to him. Henrik intercedes.

"Anti doesn't know sign, JJ." Henrik looks at Anti, silently trying to tell him to ease up. JJ nods and gives a thumbs up to show he understands. Anti grumbles and crosses his arms.

"When did he show up?" Anti glitches and stares down JJ. JJ looks at him with kind eyes and a smile. Henrik sighs softly.

"He showed up zhis morning." Henrik says carefully, aware of the glitch's love for this day. Anti twitches and glares at Henrik.

"What are we doing for today? Cause I know we arent going to change everything for this twink." Anti buzzes. Henrik gasps and slaps his arm. Anti buzzes and snarls at him.

"Dont talk about JJ like zhat!" He frowns and sighs. Anti rolls his eyes. "Ve already have new plans, zhere is going to be a video for JJ's arrival." Henrik realizes that he probably should've left the last part out. Anti stares at him wide eyed.

"What? But-" He twitches and looks at JJ with a look not many see, hurt. Henrik sighs.

"Ve alvays give zhe new egos a video on zhe day zhe arrive." Anti snaps his gaze back at Henrik.

"I had to force my way into the channel." He glares, keeping himself from strangling JJ. Henrik watches him cautiously.

"Ve didnt know about you until later and after you had done so." Henrik hopes the reminder is gentle, but by how Anti reacts it doesn't seem to come across that way.

"And I guess a new one just had to show up during my time huh?!" Anti snaps and glitches angrily. JJ backs up, now realizing what Henrik was talking about. Henrik stays as calm as he can.

"Anti, ve cant change vhat happened vizh you and ve have to deal vizh zhe new ego vhen zhey arrive. I suggest you go calm down in your room for now." He slowly moves to cover JJ. Anti buzzes and stares at him, very easily overwhelmed with his frustration.

"Fine, I'll be in my room. Have fun without me." He turns and stomps off, sparking lightly.

Henrik sighs, watching the glitch leave.
"So sorry, he gets upset easy and zhis is zhe month he takes pride in." JJ smiles and waves it off, understanding.

- -
Anti storms into his room and slams the door behind him. His body buzzes and sparks, he flops onto his bed and smacks his fist into the mattress. He screams and even though its muffled its audible for anyone close enough to hear. He sparks loudly and turns to his back, glaring up at the ceiling. He stares for a few minutes before whimpering quietly.

"Stupid new ego.. gets a video on Halloween.. are we not carving pumpkins?!" He whines and curls up, laying down on top of his blanket. He runs his finger on the fabric of his blanket and buzzes loudly.

"This whole day sucks.. he gets recognition right away while I had to fight through multiple videos and travel this hellhole of a mind!" He knows he's being loud and the others can hear him, he doesn't care enough to be quiet about this.

"Jack didnt even care enough.." He mumbles, pinching the blanket. He starts tearing up and shakes, all the doubts and feelings of being left out flood back. Like a reopened scar that didnt fully heal. He whines and crawls over to the head of his bed, moving to slide under his blanket and bury himself in it. His quiet whimpers could be heard from the door, but no one dared check up on him.

Why would they?

There's a new ego to celebrate.

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