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disclaimer: not finished, gorey attempt of writing

With a wipe of his hand, the blood smears across his face. Just how he likes it. Just how they like it.

"Oh come on now boys," A low chuckle leaves his lips. "I needed a new coat but if my perfect nose gets fucked. It'll be yer ass next."

A round of challenging grunts come forth, these guys don't like the threat of being fucked it seems.

"Don't just stand there! Come here and fight me." He weilds his favorite knife, the fresh blood glistening from the street light ahead.

The group of thugs don't move.

"What? Lose some guts?" He flips his knife and approaches, off put by the lack of response. Any response.

"Why aren't you moving?!" He growls, glaring at their faces. It takes that moment for him to finally notice the eyes.

Fearful, glazed, and not focused on himself, behind..? Oh. There's the chill. He finally feels it.

It moves slow, traveling through the shadow and invading the space he holds. Cool, sharpness pierces its way through the air and into his back.

The air pushes out, stolen from his lungs and leaves him struggling to breath and think. He drops his knife to instead grab at his throat and chest, the ground beneath blurs for him. His world distorting as he falls to his knees.

Wh-what..? I can't breathe!

His chest convulses as he musters the force to cough and gasp for air, desperate. It might be the loss of air getting to him, but is that a person reaching for his face?

Sharp nails and a cold hand grips his face. It digs into the cheeks and pierces the rough and bloodied skin, the chill of the air stinging into the piercings of the nails, claws.

"I like this one. Try to survive the night, I'll be back for you."

What?!- I, I need to sleep..

The feel of the concrete hitting his face and scraping his knees is all he knows before falling into unconsciousness, a dark and frightening place.

. . .

. . .

Anti.. Anti! "Anti! Wake up!"

What is Jackie doing here? He struggles his way into a sitting position against the wall of the alley, disoriented and confused.

"What..?" He coughs, his throat hoarse and raspy.

"What do you mean what? You were gone all night and I find you here, all bloody and unconscious on the ground." Jackie frowns, crouching down to meet the glitch's face. His hand reaches out to touch the irritated skin, earning a sharp hiss.

"Don't touch me." Anti growls before coughing his lungs out again. "I just..was having fun."

"Yeah right," He scoffs. "Did this fun include drugs or are you just crazy?"

Was that all just a drug fueled fantasy? He doesn't know, this worries him but he keeps that down.

"I'm just," He smiles lopsidedly. "Crazy."

This does not earn the good graces or mood of the hero. He scoffs and tugs Anti, aiming for a guidance to a standing position so that he can get a proper scolding from someone else.

What Jackie wasn't expecting as the scream. A shrill, pained scream erratic and interrupted by the glitch's own static.

"Holy shit-" He almost drops Anti. "Are you okay?"

Fire, fire and the stinging of a thousand wasps. Their stingers digging deep and tearing his skin away. The usually cool skin of his back is now erupted into a seething burn and sting.

"Fuck!" Anti grits his teeth, attempting to stiffle his screaming. "Ah- My back." Through grit teeth, he mumbles.

The hero looks at Anti's back and frowns in worry. "What do you mean your back?"

He glares at Jackie from the pain, his eyes burning. "It burns like hell." He growls, unable to keep his voice level even if he wanted to. Rises and falls in pitch and stability. "Fuck-"

Worry etches its way into all of Jackie's demeanor, more worried and wanting to get him help rather than fury taking place. The hero makes a tough decision to pick up Anti and rush home- he's not a doctor or magic. The chances are higher for Anti to get help at home.

Anti screams and cries out in pain, grabbing onto the flesh of Jackie's back while being carried.

It's a long way back home.


Anti's screams are heard before even entering the home. Henrik is summoned by the sound of agony and glitching- he rushes to the living room to take in the sight of... What seems to be a normal looking Anti. What happened then?

"He started screaming and he said his back is on fire." Jackie pants as the rushed words leave his mouth. "Look- at him." Jackie puts Anti down on the couch, which only angered the pain more.

Henrik nods and goes to the demon, flipping him to his side and pushing the shirt up on his back. A sharp breath leaves the doctor, seeing all the scratches and irritated skin.

"Vhat.. happened?" Henrik mutters, prodding at the skin untouched by blood or split skin.

"I don't know. He isn't responding without screaming.." Jackie shares a look with the doctor and nods, heading to his office to retrieve supplies.

The doctor continues inspecting the demon, the source of the pain still not found.

"Stoo-Ahh! Stop it!" Anti writhes and claws at the couch, his claw-like fingers ripping through the material. The fire had move to the place near his shoulders and on the backside of his heart, fires warming and setting his heart to panic.

Jackie returns with medic supplies and something to knock Anti out for awhile, it might be better that way. Not needing to be awake for the agony or work of the doctor.

Henrik takes what Jackie returns with and gets to work on fixing Anti's back and the obvious wounds he can easily treat.

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