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Many of these oneshots will be based off of differing headcanons and possibly some rps that I have participated in.

(( so sorry if I portray drug usage wrong-- I'm using the 'hes a demon, effects wack' card :p

CW: self-harm urges and self harm, use of drugs

Here we see the glitch currently in his bathroom, staring into the mirror and hating his reflection.

His dim eyes. The irritated, dry, and itchy skin. He so wants to dig his nails into his skin and claw it all off, tired of seeing white. He needs to see red.

The doorbell goes off.

He pulls back to stand upright and turns his head to the direction of the door. He leaves the bathroom to answer the door.

"Hey bro, want to talk?"  Chase, who is at the doorway, tilts his head slightly. He reeks of concern for the glitch.

"You know why I want you here."  He mutters, stepping back to let Chase have room to come in. The other gives Anti a look but comes in anyway. Anti notices that he has a box. He at least brought the stuff..

"Are you sure you want this? It's not fun to deal with."  Chase looks back at Anti, worried and wanting to help him badly. Anti just closes the door, standing there with his hand still on the wood.

"...I want this- over what I have already."  He looks over to Chase, locking eyes for a second before he breaks the contact by walking over.

The two sit down on the barely cared for couch, with its stains from soda and other substances. Slept in many a time despite the owner having a bed. It doesnt take long till Chase had it set up.

"Are you..really sure?" The worried father asks, being as gentle as possible. It takes one look from Anti for him to know his answer, but he waits till he gives him a verbal response till he gestures at it.  "Take it easy, okay? I'll be here the whole time." 

Anti nods at him, it was part of the deal that Chase would stay to make sure he is safe.

A while passes. Chase has to fight himself to keep from crying, seeing Anti there being completely checked out from reality- but not happy. Anti has the idea that maybe he'll be happy if hes just keeps trying at this.

"Hey, buddy.. want to go lay down?"  He gently tries reaching out to him. Anti blinks slowly, barely tilting his head and looking around Chase. 

""  He says almost tiredly, but Chase knows it's just a part of the side effects for Anti.

"Okay"  He nods a bit, letting Anti lay there until he passed out.

After he fell asleep, Chase took the couch for the night.

"You gave it to him again."

Chase sighs, and looks at Henrik. "Give me a break, okay? I stay there all night to keep him safe and I'm the one giving it to him."

Henrik shakes his head but doesnt argue with those points. "Alright, but what happens when he wants more? He'll ruin his life." 

"He wont.. He just uses it to, I think it's just a distraction or way to tune out."  He puts his bag down by his bed, turning to face the doctor. Said doctor frowns of worry, but nods.

"Just, keep him safe. And stay safe yourself." With that, he leaves the room. Off to do whatever else he plans for today.

"Yeah yeah..I will."  Chase mutters, plopping onto his bed. He thinks he'll take a nap.

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