Pretty Flower

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"You know, I've been thinking." Chase announces as he grabs a cup. "That a nice little hangout in the meadow would be a nice change. A break in how the week has been, you?"

Anti, the one he announced to, looks over from his spot. With a knife in hand, he shrugs a bit.

"I dont know Chase.."  He says mumbily, in the dumps as of recent.

"Hey, would it really hurt to just go sit in a field of flowers and grass for an afternoon?" Chase comes over, patting the mellow glitch's back.

"I guess not."  Anti sighs, moving to get up.

"That's the spirit! I'm gonna grab a bag for snacks, be out in a sec!" He cheers and heads off, abandoning the cup he came in for. Or did he really come for that cup?

"Alright."  Anti responds, heading out the door to wait by Chase's car.

Chase giggles happily as he hurriedly gathers the food and a couple drinks, you never know what to expect when going out.


It didnt take much longer before Chase came out with a bag in hand and a grin on his face.

"Let's go!" He starts walking, waving for Anti to follow.

Anti stays quiet but follows after him anyways, he's not sure what Chase is wanting from him. Or what they're really doing. He just hopes it doesnt go awful.

"So," Anti starts after a moment. "What are we doing exactly? Sitting in flowers is very vague."

Chase giggles softly and looks over at him. "We're going out to sit together, maybe chat or snack."  Or kiss or cuddle, like good friends do.  His thoughts wander a little, always been more on the affectionate side to his friends.

Is Anti a friend?

Chase thinks so.

Anti looks down, nodding a bit. "Alright, you just want to hang out then. That's it?"

"Yeah! You got it bro"

Anti gives Chase an odd look before looking ahead to where they're walking. It might be nice to be outside with him. The demon considers how enjoyable this will be. And he tentatively decides this will be decent.

Spoiler, he definitely changes that decision.

The two approach a field of flowers, beautiful colors and lengths coat the ground in front of them and the air feels lighter here. Maybe this land is blessed.

No matter what happened here to make it this magical and beautiful, they both approach with careful and gentle steps. They find a spot that will do the least harm to the pretty image.

"Wow.. How'd you find this place?"  Anti looks to Chase, gently moving his hands to feel the soft flowers and grass.

Chase smiles and sighs happily. "Well, I was having a rough day and.. I left the house to clear my head."  He holds his hands out. "And I found this place, it helped me see the beauty in life. Makes me appreciate who I have around me.." 

He says the last part softly, a light blush embracing his features.

Anti watches Chase speak, smiling at the pure positivity that comes from him.

"That sounds nice."  He mutters, looking out at the field.

A light breeze flows through the flowers and grass, cooling both of them as they sit in the quiet.

Chase looks around and spots an odd, but beautiful flower. The petals a dark purple, but the way the stem and leaves have grown it makes it seem like it's trying to shield the flower. He leans forward and picks the flower, carefully.

"Hey, Anti?" 

The demon looks over, "Hm?"

Chase holds out the flower to him. "It reminds me of you." 

Anti tilts his head and takes the flower from him hesitantly, as if hes afraid to ruin it. His expression softens and he holds the beauty close to him.

"And.. it's very beautiful." 

This causes the demon to look back at Chase, blushing a little.

"Uh, yeah. The flower is very pretty."  He says, smiling a little.

Chase scoots over and gives him a look that one could describe as admiration. "Mhm, and you are too." 

Anti really blushes now, not expecting to be complimented. He's not ever is ready for that, it doesnt happen.

The demon finds himself leaning closer to Chase, something about his genuine words and smile enchants the demon.

Chase smiles and reaches a hand up to cup Antis cheek. "Anti, can I kiss you?"  He whispers softly.

With a smile, Anti nods and leans close to hesitantly kiss Chase.

Their kiss is soft and is quick, no heavy feelings or guilt or sadness exists for a moment.

Chase pulls back to smile at Anti.

"I like kissing you."  He whispers, a soft giggle interrupts the quiet with his words.

Anti stares at Chase lovingly.

"Me too, Chase."

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