Here I Come

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-chapter 1-

Originally, I was from the top side. I had an amazing life with my family- something I never realized, or even got to truly understand, until it was gone. There was a time I lived comfortably, never missing a meal and always having a warm bed to return to at night. A time where I never spent a night alone and never sold a dance for scraps. I remember what it's like to laugh around a table, my eyes bouncing from person to person happy, meaningless conversations are exchanged. I remember the feeling of being wanted and loved... the feeling of family. 

Unfortunately, that feeling is long gone now.

Seven months ago, an attack leading to several explosions near the Under City killed a group of innocent lives, ripping my beautiful, picturesque life out from under me like a rug. I can still feel the heat of the fires on my skin, still hear the screams of my family. It's a miracle I made it out alive; that being said, I was the only one. 

Those responsible will soon pay at the will of my hands, or I will die trying.

Now, I walk slowly down the streets of the Under City. The air is thick with stench and smoke, a hint of a chemical burning the inner lining of my lungs with every breath I take. With my eyes glued to the ground, avoiding any unwanted interactions, I approach a rough building. When I raise my head, my eyes dart around in vigilant search for any of Silco's watchdogs. Nobody seemed to be posted outside, I notice with relief; what I'm about to do would result in nothing short of getting myself killed, made an example of on the streets. I open the door to The Last Drop tavern, entering quickly. As my eyes adjust to the smoky atmosphere, a face immediately comes into view- one I didn't particularly want to see.

"Y/N! What a lovely surprise- I was just thinking about you!" The man looks dark and grimy, and from my personal experiences with him, I know for a fact it's true. My lip curls up subconsciously into a look of disgust. "How are you, doll? Wanna make some fast dough?" He continues anyway, disregarding my look. I know him from the club I worked at previously; a regular that always insisted on dances from me, paying handsomely every time, but being nothing short of gross either way. When he reaches out to grab my hand, I make eye contact with him before yanking it away.

"I don't dance for anyone anymore." I snap, my opposite hand grabbing my other wrist that he had just grabbed and rubbing it. "Especially dirty hogs that lay their hands on girls when specifically asked not to touch. Leave me alone."

His face feigned hurt, while his eyes became steely and angry. "You ungrateful little bitch," He mumbled, before picking up his drink and dismissing the conversation with a wave.

I roll my eyes before scanning over the room for a familiar dark hooded Recruiter. I'm here for information on Silco, I remind myself, not to discuss my old job- if I could even call it that.

I never did anything with any man, just personal dances, but it's still something I don't like to bring to the front of my brain if I don't have to. On my walk towards the Recruiter, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror- my disheveled looks coax up another memory that I hadn't wished to remember.

I stare into the mirror above the vanity in my bathroom as my mom styles my hair. I'm sixteen, my face young and clean, my skin shining. My head gets pulled left and right, but I tolerate it with a furrowed brow as my mother dotes over my beautiful hair.

"You're so naturally beautiful..." My mom sighs, her eyes sad. "I wish you'd take better care of yourself."

"Mom, I'm 16, I can do this myself." I snap, using all the power within me to not rip away from her and run out of the room. "I don't have to be perfect all the time like you! Stop trying to micromanage my life!"

I sigh, closing my eyes hard enough to seemingly push out the painful glimpse of the past. To this day I feel bad for memories like that one. "Natural beauty kept me alive, mom," I mumble to myself. "Thanks, I guess."

A moment later, I arrive at the booth of the suspicious looking Recruiter. He sits hunched over a drink that appears to not even have been touched. At the sounds of my arrival, he declines to look up at me, as well. I don't even bother to seat myself. Instead, I remove the small sack of coins from where it's attached to my belt under my coat and place it on the table, directly in front of where his cloak closes at his chest. 

With lightning quick reflexes, a hand emerges from underneath the black cloak covering most of the person's body to snatch up the coin purse before my hand can even return to my side. The coins hardly make a noise in the bag as it disappears beneath the cloth. The figure's opposite hand shoots out, and in the hand is a folded note. My heart jumps at the sight; the man's hand holds the very thing that will change my life forever.  

I grab it quickly, relishing in the feeling of the rough paper for only a moment before tucking it into the pocket of my ripped jacket. I have to restrain myself from practically jogging out of the tavern, as I'm eager to both get out of the danger zone which is The Last Drop as well as get started on what the note entails. As I emerge onto the street again, my hand finds the note in my pocket as if to reassure myself that this was actually happening. When my cold fingers brush the old and yellowed paper, my heart stutters forward a few paces, and a smile dawns across my face.

"Okay Silco, here I come."

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