Club Night

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-chapter 13-

"Here we are."

Sevika leads me through a dark, rusted door at the backside of a stout building. Even in my time in the Undercity, I've never been in this part. I can hear the bass of music thumping from behind the threshold, and when Sevika hauls the heavy door open, the smell of cheap perfume, lust and liquor hit me in the face all at once; before us is an atmosphere painted in low blue neons, the smokey aura of the place immediately bathing us in a cool wash. Out in what seems like an interesting cross between a lounge room and a dance floor, assorted partners twist and tangle within each other, some dancing and some just doting over each other on the miscellaneous couches. I catch a glimpse of a woman in a deep purple floor length dress leading an entirely starstruck man behind a curtain to what looks like a hallway. My heart drops momentarily in panic, recognizing the exact same environment as my previous dancer job before deciding on my hellbent revenge on Silco- except now, I'm here as a guest. I may have never been to this specific place, but it's a spitting image of all the rest.

I glance up at Sevika, and she looks down at me as well, a very uncharacteristic grin plastered across her face. Obviously not knowing any better, Sevika has brought me to a dancer's club as a way to... Unwind?

"Alright kid, I'm gonna go have my fun. I suggest you go diffuse some of that..." She motions to my body loosely, "... tension that you have going on there." Patting my shoulders in a way I would imagine a father pats his son's shoulders after fixing a part correctly, she chimes, "And loosen up those shoulders!"

Shrugging out from under her grip, I turn again. "What is this?"

"Some fun!" Sevika says again with a laugh.

"Sevika... This isn't exactly what I consider fun."

I watch her face fall a bit, and guilt immediately floods my chest. She's truly just trying to help, I know that, but I'd have rather just gone to bed early.

"Well..." She looks around, as if to find something to quell my discomfort. Reaching into her coat, she withdraws a small bag and grabs my wrist, shoving said bag into my hand. Closing my fingers around it snugly, she gives my whole arm a good shake as if to solidify her apology. "The bar is good and the drinks are cheap."

I turn my head momentarily, spotting a bar on the far right side- a large mirror adorns the back wall, reflecting the atmosphere in on itself, as well as displaying racks upon racks of various alcohols. Looking back, I finally cave, shooting her a smile. "Now that's something I can work with."

"Good." Sevika nods. "We've worked hard the past while. I suppose you've earned this."

I know she's just trying to get away to her own... select pastimes, so I roll my eyes and shove her shoulder harshly. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You go have your fun too."

She laughs again- it's quite infectious when she does, so I laugh too- and gives me a nod. With one last glance back at her and a mock salute, I head towards the bar. Sliding into a tall stool, I peek into the money bag and- holy shit. Wide eyed, I attempt to look back to Sevika in my surprise, but I only catch her slipping around the curtain to the back rooms with a woman on her arm. This is a lot of money. It pays to work under a crime lord, I suppose.

"Why hello there lovely, what can I help you with this evening?"

Looking up from my money sack, I see the bartender- a beautiful girl who looks about my age, sporting short, navy blue hair and a sheer mini dress that skims very high up her thighs. Tearing my eyes up from her outfit, I meet her eyes, and the wind is ripped from my esophagus for a moment. Her eyes... They're a striking blue, almost identical to Jinx's. I blink, neglecting to give her a response.

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