You Got Me Instead

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-chapter 2-

Silco's study is dark and brooding, and much to Jinx's chagrin, incredibly drab. Looking around the room wistfully, she spins in a circle, arms wide. When she stops, she drops to the floor and sighs, almost disappointed to see that nothing has changed. She lets her head fall into her hands, a strand of bright blue hair falling into her face. It flutters away from her cheek before settling again over the bridge of her nose, and she sighs.

"Ugh, I'm so bored..." Jinx muses out loud, her eyes darting to Silco to see if he looked over. He doesn't even so much as bat an eyelash towards her, and she exhales loudly again before popping up onto her feet. "What to do, what to do..."

In one quick movement, Jinx jumps over Silco's desk before landing deftly in his lap, her knees flush to her chest. He looks up in annoyance, his lips downturned in a stern frown. She only shoots him a toothy grin back, to which he doesn't respond. When her head tips back, the room momentarily turns upside down, and she spots a very familiar device resting on the table. Reaching one long, gangly arm towards it, Jinx's fingers close around the shiny object before snapping back up. The barrel of the trinket lines up directly with Silco's enhanced eye.

"BAM!" She squeals, her laugh piercing the silence of the room as a needle exits the barrel in a blur of movement and enters Silco's eye. He hisses through his teeth, a sharp inhale of pain before the needle retracts itself again. Gasping to herself slightly, her hand flies over her mouth as she feigns surprise. "Oops." She whispers, before a giggle forces its way from between her lips.

Huffing in annoyance, Silco shoves the smaller girl off of his lap, to which Jinx responds by landing easily on her feet. His annoyance flies right over her head as she continues to smile back at him innocently.

"There should be some people coming to ask for placement today." Silco says dismissively, finally looking up at her from the journal he had been scribbling in. "Deal with that and give me some space for the day, if you're that bored."

"Trying to get rid of poor ol' Jinx, now, aren't we?" Jinx snaps, folding her arms over her chest and leaning her weight onto one hip in an over dramatic pose. She forces her eyebrows down, attempting to mock his expression of sternness. It hardly works.

"Jinx, you know I didn't mean it like that-" Silco starts to state in an attempt at a reprimand.

"Yeah, yeah, pops," Jinx interrupts, her angry look now barely a thought. "Where to today?"

After a sigh, Silco massages his temples, most likely from her whiplash-inducing change in attitude. "Same place as last time. Don't make a mess while you're out, please... I'm not in the mood to clean up after you today."

"We'll see what I can do." Jinx says, her tone patronizing as she waltzes out of the room towards her destination. Before crossing the threshold, she turns in one big spin, giving him a full-arm wave, and continues for the rooftops


Three hours later, Jinx balances gracefully at the peak of yet another miscellaneous building in the Under City, her legs folded under her like those of a bird at roost.

I've been sitting on this stupid roof for forever now, she thinks, her thoughts loud in her mind as she gazes out over the skyline of the Under City. I bet nobody's coming- should I just leave? Jinx shakes her head quickly, as if to shake the idea out of her mind. No.. he asked me to stay away.. I wonder why? Maybe he... No. No, he couldn't. Not Silco. Without thinking, she taps her forehead with the heel of her palm. "No, no, no. He-"

The sound of feet landing harshly on tin rips Jinx from her thoughts, and she looks up in a glare to see the awkward figure of a girl come walking delicately towards her. This girl's frame is something Jinx doesn't know how to describe- she walks awkwardly, her arms hanging, seemingly useless by her side. Her legs look like they don't know what to do with themselves. When Jinx meets her eyes, though, there's a steely resolve in them that almost seems admirable.

The figure opens her mouth from an ample amount of feet away, as if Jinx would jump at her like a wild animal if she moved wrong. "Hello..? Is this where I'm supposed to find... um..." She glances around for a moment before continuing, "... placement?"

Jinx glares at the girl, her eyes immediately following her body down and up in a searing once-over. "Tsk- this is what we're resorting to nowadays? Pathetic." Hopping down from her perch, Jinx slides down the tin roof towards the girl, stopping herself merely two feet from her. If Silco was going to send her on a measly task like this, she would have some fun with it, maybe interrogate her a little. The idea almost makes her want to smile, but she doesn't allow herself to, keeping on her angry face. "Why do you even wanna work with Silco? What's so special about you that we need, sweet cheeks?"

"My name is Y/N." The girl responds, squaring her shoulders and pulling her tattered coat tightly around her chest.

Jinx only scoffs. "Right. Y/N."

Y/N continues, disregarding Jinx's smart remark. "And who wouldn't want to work with the leader of the Under City?" She glances around quickly, her eyes analyzing. Jinx could swear that she watches this girl's gaze meet every single crack in the buildings around her. "I was under the impression that he'd be here today."

"Here? Today?" Jinx's face contorts into a smirk, before morphing into a laugh. "I doubt you're even worthy of being here at all. And even if you are, you've got me instead." She motions to herself grandly in one large, vigorous motion, nearly a bow. "That a problem for you, girly?" 

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