That Uneasy Feeling

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-chapter 30-

On two sides of the Undercity, two different people plan for each other's demise.

I feel oddly grounded as I weave my way through side streets, hands shoved deep in my pockets and hood up over my head. Luckily for me, the day is a dismal one; dark clouds roll angrily overhead, casting everything in an eerie shadow and spitting light rain down onto the people below. To anyone who saw me, it would most likely appear that I was simply doing my morning routine, checking perimeters. While I am, in fact, doing my morning tasks, I'm also keeping a watchful eye out for Silco.

I had been at this for six days now- starting the morning after I finished formulating my plan to poison him, I began to track Silco's movements; gauging where he is during the day, what time he leaves his house for his office and vice versa, what guards and patrols visit his study at what times during the day. On the third day, I scanned the outside of his house, looking for the weakest link in the foundation. My hands found every window latch and every door knob that lay around it- my feet found the roof, leaving no portion unturned. On the fourth day, I took my knowledge of his routines and began to calculate response times- after breaking into his house and poisoning the water, I had to know how long it would be until he was actually found dead, so that I could be in the right place at the right time to act surprised. If I'm going to kill Silco, I am going to take the painstaking time to plan every single thing. I only have one shot at this, and it's looming before me; there is zero room to fuck this up.

Around 8:00 AM, Silco leaves his house for the office. He takes the long way around in the sparsely populated areas of the Undercity, but not sparsely enough to get jumped, with two of the absently minded guards in the glass suits getting pumped with shimmer. Watching them clomp along beside him for the past few days has made me borderline ill.

Shortly after he arrives, Sevika visits him for a morning status report. She's already done her own morning sweep by then, and updates him on what's been going on. From there, he sends her away with errands to run, that most likely will get passed down for me to do. His guards follow her from there, usually getting placed at the nearest plant or outside The Last Drop to do just about the only thing they're good for- standing there and looking incriminating.

For the rest of the morning until mid-day, he doesn't seem to leave his study much. Shortly after noon, Sevika checks in with him for a second time, another status report ensues, and she leaves with notes and things to be delivered, again getting passed down to myself for delivery.

Around 6:00 PM, Silco leaves for home.

Now, on my sixth day of scouting, it seems that the most optimal time for me to execute my plan is directly after he leaves in the morning. After a lot of observation, it seems that he never locks the window directly next to his balcony, probably under the presumption that no one can reach it. I can thank the dexterity I was forced to learn after following Jinx around for that discovery. It would be an easy break-in, no signs of entry, and I would be out in a flash. I idly shove my hands deeper into my pockets at the thought as if to ground myself further. The idea doesn't really scare me, nor excite me; rather, I simply feel calm. While I may have strayed from the path a few times upon befriending Sevika and establishing my relationship with Jinx, it feels like I'm finally accomplishing what I truly came here for. As my fingertips reach the lowest depth of my pockets, I feel the bottle of poison I had bought two days prior. Too worried to leave it behind, I've opted to simply carry it with me. One part of me thinks it's to keep it safe; the other thinks it serves as a reminder. I allow the very pads of my fingertips to brush along the outside of the glass vial. It's warmer to the touch than you might expect. I plan to do it tomorrow. As if to affirm it to myself for the thousandth time, I nod a bit under my hood. Tomorrow.

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