Let's Bend the Rules

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-chapter 22-

After her episode, we didn't talk about the subject of that night again and I immediately filtered the word "powder" out of my vocabulary. Jinx seems more than happy to avoid bringing it up, bouncing around from topic to topic whenever I even look at her in a questioning way. I understand her actions; or at least I think I do. I don't think I could ever confidently say that I understand anything about Jinx one hundred percent, though I suppose that's a part of her beauty.

Her words and the contortion of pain in her face that night is something that's struck me to my core since it happened. The layers and layers of anguish and hurt that she harbors are feelings that I know all too well. The fact that no one has taken their time with her to help her begin to unravel these pieces of her past makes my heart ache, and for that reason I want to protect her with every fiber of my being. I want to be the person that takes their time with her, that works to help her scrub away the pain of her past. Even though I'm almost positive there's not an ounce of innocence behind those eyes, I've seen the hurt in them, and I love her all the same.

I can't believe I feel this way for someone...

"Hello? Earth to Y/N? Are you even listening to me?"

My head snaps to the sound of her voice, painfully obvious that I was taken off guard.

"I'm gonna take that as a no..." Jinx says dejectedly, her bottom lip falling heavily into a pout.

I offer her a nervous laugh paired with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I was spacing again. What were you saying?"

Jinx rolls her eyes animatedly. "Well, if you were listening-"

"I know, I know." I interject, waving my hands as if to usher her to her point.

"I was saying that our jail time is up in a few days, and-"

"I know! You've been counting down the days!"

"Hey!" Jinx snaps, throwing a hand over my mouth. I shoot her a sarcastic glare, but keep my lips shut behind her digits. "Let me finish!"

I only nod, and she retracts her hand. "I thought we could go do something special, and since our last party didn't end so well, I thought that maybe I could make up for it."

My mind wanders to the events of the last 'party'; Jinx stabbing the large man swiftly, blood everywhere. Yeah, that was nothing short of a bust, but I digress. "What are you suggesting?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"I just thought..." Jinx trails off for a moment, sweeping on her innocence thickly and picking up a braid to toy with. "Maybe we could go to one of my types of parties. Bend the rules a little tonight?"

I deadpan back at her, trying desperately to search through her facade for an inkling of whatever the fuck she's talking about. "What are you implying?"

"You'll just have to see, now won't you?" She sings, standing up from her chair abruptly with a newfound, devilish smile cracking the mask of innocence.

"That's not an answer, Jinx!" I say with a laugh, spinning the chair in her direction.

"Mmm... I'm pretty sure it was." She affirms herself, nodding.

"What? You can't just say it was an answer and then it magically becomes one." I say incredulously, smiling widely at her playfulness.

"But I'm pretty sure I just did." Jinx turns to face me once more, throwing her hip out and putting a hand on it. "What are you gonna do about it, princess?"

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