A Drunk Mistake

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-chapter 11-

The loud sound of footsteps on metal pulls me slowly from my slumber, and I open my eyes groggily. Attempting to sit up, blood rushes to my head and a headache begins to pound in the front of my skull. Wincing, I rub my temples, praying it eases the pain; this it does, but only momentarily. I sigh, screwing my fists into my eyes, trying to remove the cloudiness of sleep fogging them over.

Fuck. I'm definitely hung over.

Blinking, I look around- I'm on a couch, a thin tattered blanket thrown across my frame. The couch is ripped to shit, random drawings covering the cushions, but comfortable nonetheless. Looking towards my feet, I see what looks to be the scrawny skeleton of a man sitting hunched over.

"Holy shit!" I shout, immediately trying my best to scoot away from the body. As I do, my foot hits it's leg; it falls over, revealing stuffed cloth. It's just a doll.

"What the hell," I mumble, breathing out the last of my panicked breath before easing onto my feet. The blanket falls away, and I freeze- I'm in nothing but my bra and underwear. My eyes widen, and my mind begins to scramble for the events of last night.

Oh my god, truth or dare. Jinx had kissed me! I had kissed Jinx. Another thought comes to my brain, zapping down my spine like a lightning bolt- I had kissed her back, and I liked it. Blinking rapidly, I try to usher away the blush that rises to my cheeks as my brain jumps back and forth. What the fuck happened? I remember kissing, a lot, the coordination was off, we moved to the couch... Did we fall asleep?

Realizing that I'm standing half naked in Jinx's room, I whip around to grab the blanket, wrapping it tightly around my body. I spot my pants thrown misshapenly across the back of the couch- snapping them up, I tug the fabric over my legs and onto my hips. My shirt is where it had been abandoned on the fan blade, and I throw it over my head after scurrying out to grab it. Out on the edge of the large piece of metal, I hear a rustling to my right- Jinx is there, sitting at the very tip of an adjacent blade, pulling her knees to her chest. I can't see her entirely, but it seems that her chin is tucked between, staring into the abyss.

"Jinx...?" I call cautiously. Her name comes out with a puff of steam, the morning cold frosting my words as I throw them into the air. Jinx's head whips around to me, and she only makes eye contact for the tiniest fraction of a second; then she's up and moving, arms crossed defensively across her chest as she walks around the base of the fan.

"Jinx- Wait, I..." My voice trails away as I round the corner in the same direction she had walked off to. In her wake I find thin air, not so much as a whisper of her existence waiting for me. Without thinking, I fall into one of the chairs pulled up to her workshop, head in my hands.

"Fuck..." I murmur to myself. "What the hell did drunk me do?"

Raising my head up slightly, I gaze at my hands- more detailed memories of the night come flooding back as I study them. I can feel her skin against the pads of my fingers again, incredibly soft and delicate to the touch. I can feel the outline of her tattoos where they're slightly raised at the edges, where I had traced them as she clung to my side and we drifted to sleep after relocating to the couch. I can feel her hair, incredibly soft for constantly being in those dual braids, and I can feel how I felt clutching at them as her lips met my chest over and over again. At this, I glance down the neck of my shirt.

Fuck. I'm covered in hickies. If Sevika catches wind of this she'll never let me live it down.

In a sudden moment, realization hits me like a swift punch to the gut. Guilt eases its way into my throat, the sober thoughts twisting and contorting into a ball of anxiety. I'm here to kill the father of the girl that I just got very drunk and very, very handsy with. I think we almost... I shake my head again, hoping to rid myself of the memory. What is wrong with me? What kind of sick, twisted story trope is this? Before my mind can speed off without me, I'm interrupted by a heavy, metallic clunk from above me.

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