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-chapter 12-

I lay on my thin sleeping pad, a huge, soft blanket hugging me comfortably- a gift from Sevika while away on her shipment for "dealing with Timebomb", I presume. She had let me take advantage of the gift the last week or so by waving our early wake up times. In lieu of that, though, was our later nights. If it means anything, I can feel my body getting stronger as the days pass, if not more sore.

A sudden thought pops into my head and I turn over quickly, scanning the room behind me in which I sleep. Upon seeing no one there, I release the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. Recently, particularly during training hours, I kept getting this creeping suspicion that someone was watching us- it obviously hasn't subsided now, as my heartbeat slows from my previous scan of the room. My paranoia has left me distracted and sidetracked, glancing around at particularly inopportune times. I'm reminded of this by the soreness in my ribs- scanning my surroundings during sparring time with Sevika left me unaware of her punches until they made contact with me. I wince as I roll over again.

I've considered time and time again confiding in Sevika about what had really happened with Jinx while she was away on shipment duties, but the smarter part of me knows that I would be met with bullying instead of the comfort and advice that I seek. Day after day I've restricted the urge to just spill it all. It's been a week since I've seen Jinx and as much as I'm pretending that what happened between us never did, she is every other thought that flits across my mind. Her hair, her eyes, her lips, and... Ah yes, how could I forget about her carelessness for other people's feelings?

I sigh loudly, indulging my inner thoughts as I turn over once more and cover my face with the velvety blanket in an impossible attempt to quiet my mind.

"Shut up, brain," I mumble to myself, gripping the material securely over my head and sheltering me from what seems to be the horrors of reality.

Suddenly, a metallic thumping sounds from the other end of the house. Knowing that Sevika wouldn't be home for at least another hour or so, I shoot up, creeping slowly towards the sound.

"Hello?" I call, and instantly curse myself silently. I totally just gave myself away if someone broke in. There goes my element of surprise.

I tiptoe out of the room and into the main living space of Sevika's tiny structure, eyeballing every dark corner and shadow cast by objects scattered throughout the area. I reach the kitchen before hearing a shuffling sound behind me, and I whip around, just to see the door click shut and hear the thump of something hitting the floorboards. My eyes track to where the second sound came from, and my breath leaves my lungs.

On the floor lays a particularly familiar device- I walk over to it cautiously before picking it up. One of Jinx's bombs lays snugly in my hand, brightly colored paint plastered all over it and it's pin secured snugly in it's holder. Flinging the door open, I glance around in near desperation.

"JINX? Jinx, what the fuck?!" I bellow out over the buildings in frustration. To my dismay, only my voice echoes back at me, as there is nothing to be seen or heard out of place in the stillness around me. Jinx is gone.


It's been a day and a half since I found the bomb in front of the door. I neglected to tell Sevika about Jinx successfully breaking into her house, instead deciding to simply go about the day as if it didn't happen, but man was I pissed. She is very, very obviously trying to fuck with me in some way or another, and I refuse to fall bait to her newest game.

Me and Sevika just got done with training, the sun falling beneath the tin roofs of the houses and bathing our training area in darkness. Sevika watches me when I scan the surroundings as the shadows grow longer over the open space. I stay alert, keeping my eyes peeled for any strange movement; especially since yesterday. I feel the weight of her bomb in my bag as I sling it over my shoulder, and Sevika continues to eye me with a weird look.

I'm The Monster ( Jinx X Fem Reader )Where stories live. Discover now