Zero. And Counting

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Harry Potter updated his status:

Who wants to join my fan-club?


Hermione Granger: Seriously Harry? You'rs that proud of yourself? You think people will start lining up here?

Harry Potter: Yes Hermione. That's exactky what I think.

Hermione Granger: Was this your own dumb idea?

Harry Potter: Unfortunately no.

Harry Potter: And it is a brilliant idea! Giiny cane up with it.

Hermione Granger: Really? And who is the president of the club?

Harry Potter: Ginny.

Hermione Granger: And how many members do you have?

Harry Potter: Two, and counting.

Hermione Granger: Other than you own self, Harry.

Harry Potter: One, and counting.

Hermione Granger: Other than Ginny, Harry.

Harry Potter: Zero.

Ginny Wesley: But we're still open to all kinds of memberships.

Harry Potter: Oh yeah. So if you want to join, all you have to do is let us know.

Hermione Granger: I'll make you a deal Harry.

Harry Potter: Okay. I'll agree to it. Whatever. Just say you'll join my club.

Ginmy Weasley: Noo Harry. Hear her terns. They are important. The contract will bind you so you have to know what it says. For all we know, Hermione could sue you for not going to the library enough times.

Hermione Granger: Relax guys. Here's all I'm asking. Join S.P.E.W.

Harry Potter: Hell no!

Giiny Weasley: Nope.

Hermione Granger: Suit yourself then. But I know that Romilda Vane will just need a little talk to convince her into joining.

Harry Potter: Ginny can do that. Can't you Gin?

Harry Potter: Gin?

Hermione Granger: she is gone Harry. She got bored.

Harry Potter: Alright. *dramatic sigh* I'll join SPEW.

Hermione Granger: *high pitched girly squeal* Omg Yes!

Harry Potter: So how many members do you have?

Hermione Granger: Two, and counting.

Harry Potter: Besides yourself.

Hermione Granger: One, and counting.

Harry Potter: Who is that one person?

Hermione Granger: You -_- You're the only club member Harry.

Does anyone remember Kymmopolea from Blood Of Olympus?
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