Nico's Type

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Percy Jackson updated his status:

#notnicostype :(


Annabeth Chase: Please....

Grover Underwood: Not again....

Nico di Angelo: *facepalm*

Percy Jackson: I just don't get it! I'm Percy Jackson! Everybody likes me!

Nico di Angelo: I never said I hated you Perce...

Percy Jackson: Yeah.... well..... Ugh!

Hazel Leversque: XD

Percy Jackson: Hey everyone. Wanna get blue cake with me?

Annabeth Chase: Sure XD

Grover Underwood: I'm in

Hazel Leversque: Me too!

Nico di Angelo: I wanna come too!

Percy Jackson: Really? Or is not your type anymore???

Nico di Angelo: ......


It's short, but I'll update soon I promise :) please vote and comment guys! XD

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