Why Can't I Just Win???

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Voldemort updated his status:

Death eaters! I have discovered the secret to defeating Potter!


Bellatrix Lestrange: Omg what is it my lord???

Voldemort: Well surely you know that he is visually impaired and therefore requires glasses?

Belletrix Lestrange: I do my lord.

Voldemort: Well it's simple. We take the boy's glasses next time we see him.

Lucius Malfoy: Problem solved!

Yaxely: Excellent idea my lord. I would like to volunteer myself for this task.

Bellatrix Lestrange: That is a wonderful idea omg all hail Voldemort!

Voldemort: Yeah that's right. The chosen one can't do crap without his glasses.

(10 minutes later)

Harry Potter: Okay well that's dumb. I mean seriously, saying that here where I can read it and be prepared? Lame!

Voldemort: *sobs*. Why can't I just win???

Albus Dumbledore: Love, Tom. Love.

Voldemort: Oh great the old guy's here...

Albus Dumbledore: -_-

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