High On Chocolate

225 14 16

(Please don't forget to read the A/N at the end of this. It's important!)


tHarry Potter updated his status:

Ron is acting super-weird. It is creeping me out. :/


Hermione Granger: Really? How creepy exactly?

Harry Potter: He won't stop talking about how beautiful the moon is...

Hermione Granger: Okay...that is strange.

Harry Potter: I think he's on something..

Ginny Weasley: Harry Potter, how dare you cause my brother of being drunk?

Fred Weasley: Yeah how dare you? Besides no one in their right mind would sell alcohol to Ron!

George Weasley: I agree. I mean anyone with two brain cells can tell: Ron+alcohol=trouble, or entertainment, depending on how people think...

Fred Weasley: Remember that time when we spiked Ron's soda with tequila back in his third year?

George Weasley: Lol XD he thought he was a chicken for thirty minutes and did the Gangham Style. Twice!

Molly Weasley: Fred, George, you've got some serious explaining to do!

Fred Weasley: What's up, mum?

Molly Weasley: You just crossed the drinking age, so how come you had access to tequila before?

Fred Weasley: Uhmm my computer is crashing now....

George Weasley: My pet fish just died :/

Fred Weasley: We

George Weasley: Gotta go. ;).

Ron Weasley: I AM NOT DRUNK!

Harry Potter: Ron, mate, are you alright?

Ron Weasley: Of course I am alright! I just ate some chocolate! Gosh can't a guy get high on chocolate for once?




Wow xD

I want to do something special for the 50th chat so could you leave your ideas for that? Here's what I have so far..

1 I could continue that Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossover thingie I started where Annabetb is basically stalking Harry...

2 I could do a conversation between President Snow, Kronos and Voldemort...

3 I can do Harry's birthday but I need to get inspiration for this one...

4 I could do a Hunger Games/Harry Potter crossover, or a Hunger Games/ Percy Jackson crossover...

Please comment your ideas and vote!!

Thank you all so much :)

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