Chapter 33

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The good news has reached the couple- Somi just recovered from coma. However, the latter still needs ample recovery and monitoring hence she has to stay in the ICU until it is necessary before she will be allowed to move in a private room.

Lisa quietly entered the unit towing after the nurse. She sat on the chair at the bedside and stared at the frail body of Somi. Her face embattled with stitches and bruises contorts in pain every time she she breathes or every time her fractured ribs move the slightest. Her eyes were shut close but she was not peacefully asleep- although she does pretend every time Lisa visits her.

This is no different than the other days Lisa sits quietly beside her.

"I know you are not asleep." Lisa placed her palm on top of Somi's hand which twitched ever so slightly from the contact. She waited for the patient's response but only the low vibratory sound of the machines attached to her flesh answered. "Are we still playing this game?" 

Lisa patiently let a minute or two pass by while she drew circles on Somi's hand. However, when she realized the wait was futile, she sighed and just decided to give up. "Okay, Som. You win tonight but I'll come back tomorrow. Take a good rest, Somi."

She kissed her forehead lightly before she told the nurse she was leaving. She kept a straight face as she headed out of the door and if only she turned around, she would have seen Somi following her with her eyes brimming with tears. 

Jennie was not at home yet when Lisa arrived. All that welcomed her was her empty condo unit and a note on the kitchen counter scribbled neatly: I am with a friend, will be home for dinner - Jennie. The note probably explains the two calls from Jennie that she missed while she was in the hospital.

After her warm shower, she headed to her room to change into her comfortable top and pajamas. Jennie was not home yet so Lisa took the chance to search through her girlfriend's files for a particular envelope. She sighed in relief when she got hold of the envelope with all of Jennie's documents for the Augustine exchange program in it. It was good to know that her girlfriend has not disposed of her dream to be a part of the program in Singapore yet. Now, Lisa has only about a week to convince Jennie to participate in the rare opportunity and reach another milestone in her academic run.

Lisa cooked bulgogi for dinner as they did not have much of grocery supplies left in the pantry. Grocery tomorrow, she noted mentally as she prepared the table. Her girlfriend was already cruising the stretch of Itaewon when she last called her half an hour ago. She should be here any minute soon. 


Lisa smiled almost automatically when she heard that voice.


Jennie's heels clicked on the floor.

"Sorry. There was traffic."

She kicked her sandals off her feet and draped her cardigan on the chair. She tiptoed to kiss Lisa. She tasted wine on her lips and glared at her disapprovingly- she could handle Lisa drinking but not without her.

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