Forgotten - BokuAka

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Akaashi yawned, leaning over as he sat on the side of his bed. The other side of the bed was empty and cold, signaling that his lover had left for work before he'd been able to say goodbye. That hadn't been nice to wake up to.

There was a bit of a sullen feeling in Akaashi as he had woken up that morning and got ready. He had noticed that he needed a new toothbrush, was out of face wash and needed to do laundry. There was no coffee in the kitchen either and he just kind of shuffled around.

"Ah... My sweater." Akaashi set down a sweater that he had picked up. It had a huge hole in the armpit. It was his favorite that Bokuto had bought him two years ago on his birthday.

Two years ago that day.

Akaashi tossed the sweater and grabbed a button-up that he didn't necessarily like along with a thick cardigan. He sat at his desk, opening Instagram and realizing he had a new commission. As Akaashi discussed it with the customer he started setting up his tablet.

He reached across the desk, picking up his glove for his tablet. It caused his pen to roll off of the table and onto the floor.

"Shit!" Akaashi picked up the pen, sighing as his eyes landed on the tip of the pen crooked and cracked. He hurried to find his extras and realized that the bag was empty. He couldn't work, couldn't be loved on, and couldn't have his favorite sweater that smelled like his lover. There was no way he could do anything for a while.

He hadn't gotten any texts that morning from Bokuto or Kuroo or even Sugawara. All of them always said happy birthday in the morning.

Akaashi got into the shower, just wanting to feel better and warm up. He got the shower ready, opening his basket filled with shower things. The jar of his shower tablets was empty besides one broken one at the bottom. He picked it up and tossed it in the shower. Whatever. He'd make some later.

Akaashi got into the shower, cleaned himself, and relaxed under the warm water. The shower tablet wasn't too strong but cleared his sinuses well enough, clearing his head. He shampooed his hair, taking deep breaths. It felt really nice.

When he reached for his shampoo though, he nicked his arm on the faucet, which is what he thought it was. The was a gash on his forearm. He quickly finished his shower and bandaged his arm. It hurt so much and now his head was foggy with pain and frustration.

Akaashi struggled for a bit before just making himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, eating it before a nap. He curled up on Bokuto's side of the bed, his head pounding. It took a long time to go to sleep, his brain going too fast for him to slow down.

When he did sleep it was a deep sleep that made him sweat. He got up when he woke up, making his shower tablets. They were crumbly, which was odd. They shouldn't have done that.

Akaashi didn't mind too much, just resting. No one texted him all day, leaving him alone. His only messages were hate on his prices for his art, which was a struggle. He had prices set that helped him and covered the time that he took. People were being so mean.

Even his friends had somehow hurt his feelings. Today was someone else's birthday that most of them had celebrated.

He had been ignored all day and not even the man he lived with was kind enough to say something.

No one cared.

Akaashi sat with his phone, sobbing. He slumped into the couch, holding himself. He never cried and rarely teared up so this hurt his chest from how bad he felt. Why did no one even bother to say a simple hello? Was he really that bad?

Sure when he was younger he had been a little jerk but he snapped out of it and forced himself to be quiet and not tell anyone things. He thought he was quiet enough. He thought he was kind. Everyone told him that.

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