2 || zwei

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d a n i e l l a 's p o v :

[ song suggested for this chapter:
Bloom by The Paper Kites :)]

I wake up and realize I fell asleep on the couch. I get up and go make coffee. It's currently 8:03. I go take a shower after a finished my coffee. I then get dressed into a cute baby-yellow dress matched by nike sneakers. I quickly brush my teeth, do my hair and then my make up.

When I explored the city yesterday, I saw a cute coffeeshop and decide to go eat breakfast at it. I get my purse and phone. Just as I get to the elevator I see the doors closing.

"Wait! Stop," I yell but it was too late, "Asshole!" I turn around and wait for the elevator to come back up again. I hear the elevator's doors open up again and turn around. That was fast.

I head in.


"Did you just call me an asshole?" A familiar voice says.

I freeze and look up. It's the phone guy from yesterday! "What! No." I say and look away.

"I'm pretty sure you did." He says and smiles.

Damn it. "Okay. Fine, I did. But I thought you ignored me and let the doors close on purpose." I say and watch as the doors close.

"Well I didn't. Does that still make me an asshole?" He asks and slightly bites his lip.

I'm gonna faint in here! I fight a smile.

"No." I reply and look away so I won't blush because of a complete stranger.

He chuckles softly in that lowkey deep voice. "Ok. Do you wanna be on the top or bottom?" He asks and looks at me.

I freeze. Did he just ask what position I wanna be in when...when we're...you know...SleEpInG tOgEtHeR. "Excuse me?" I say with my eyes slightly widened and my jaw almost on the floor.

"What floor?" He asks confused.

I'm an idiot. "Oh! Uh, floor one, please." I say and look away. I just want to bang my head against the wall of the elevator.

He pushes button one.

I am a complete idiot and he probably thinks that too.

The elevator's doors open and I almost run out before I make a fool of myself again. When I get to the exit, he opens the door for me. How is he that fast? I thank him with a smile and quickly head out. I head down the street and then hear him babbling in his foreign language behind me. I turn around and see him filming himself and the surroundings. He then goes back onto his phone and starts typing.

"You are so weird." I say and continue walking.

He jogs to me and walks beside me. "I'm not. I'm just blogging." He says.

I just shake my head softly. "Are you following me?" I ask and look at how busy Barcelona is today.

"No. Are you following me?" He asks.

"No. Then why are you going in the same direction as me?" I ask and look at him.

"I don't know. I'm going to go have breakfast at this cute shop." He says and smiles.

I stop in my tracks but continue walking again when he looks at me like I'm crazy. "Me too." I say and squint my eyes suspiciously.

He looks up from his phone. "Cool." He replies.

"Where's your uh friend?" I ask and look behind me as if he might be there.

He wasn't by the way. I seriously have to get my shit together.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now