11 || elf

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Just a friendly reminder, this book has nothing to do with one of the Elevator boys' personal lifes. This story, that includes them, is only made up for entertainment.

And these chapters are not written for intention to put any of these characters in a bad light or anything in that line.



d a n i e l l a 's p o v :

( Song for this chapter:
03 Greedo by Substance )

I wake up in Tim's arms at 9 A.M.
We slept for a while.

"Wanna go eat breakfast?" Tim asks in a husky voice.

"Well not anymore." I say and swing my leg over his body so I'm sitting on top of him.

He flips me over and hovers over me.

"This can wait." He says and pecks my lips before standing up.

"Do you wanna tell the others about us?" I ask and sit up.

"Uh not yet. Let's wait for the right moment." He says and runs a hand through his hair.

It didn't bother me. If he wants to wait, we'll wait.

"I'm going to need my shirt back." He says and smirks.

"Take it then." I challenge him.

"Fine." He says and dips into the bed.

• • •

After we fooled around for a few minutes, Tim went back to his apartment to get ready for our breakfast date.

I'm already dressed and Tim told me to meet him downstairs. And I thought women took longer than men.

When I get downstairs, I spot Jensen, who's on his phone. He notices me and I turn around to walk away.

I sigh when I hear his voice.

"Daniella." He says and turns me around.

"What?" I say irritated.

I was seriously gonna beat the hell outta this guy.

"I uh- Look, Tim is lying to you. About everything." He says.

"Seriously. Just stay away from me." I say and head to the exit door.

He grabs my arm.

"Wait. Please." He stops me.

I pull my arm out of his grip.

"Talk and fast." I say irritated.

"Ok...Here." He says and gives me his phone.

I sigh but then frown when I look at his phone.

My heart breaks in pieces. It's pictures of Tim and some girl. Kissing, hugging, etc.

"There's more." He says and hands me a envelope full of photos.

He lied to me. I thought he said he liked me?

Is this why he didn't want to tell the others about us? Because he has a fucking girlfriend?!

Tears start well up.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now