18 || achtzehn

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d a n i e l l a 's p o v :

[ song suggested for this chpater:
-Angel baby by Troye Sivan]

We all sit in a circle in front of the fire.

Tim Luis
Bene Me
Jacob Angelina

Julien puts a bottle in the middle and spins it. It lands on Jacob.

"Truth or dare?" Julien asks.

"Dare." Jacob says confident.

"I dare you to call a girl you think is pretty and tell her that." He says.

Jacob hesitates at first but then gets out his phone out.

While Jacob is on his phone my phone vibrates.

I get it out of my back pocket.

"I just wanna take this real-" I say and look at the screen.

* Incoming call from Jacob💗 *

I look at him and smile.

"I think you're pretty." He says with a charming smile.

"Thank you." I smile.

I notice Tim looking away and I can't read his expression.

Jacob then spins the bottle. It lands on Luis.

"Truth or dare." He asks Luis.

"Truth." Luis replies.

"Did you sleep with a woman that had kids, more than once?" He asks and starts to laugh.

Luis chuckes and looks down.

"Ja." He replies embarrassed and rubs the back of his neck.


Luis spins the bottle. It lands on Tim.

"Truth or dare?" He asks.

"Dare." Tim says.

"I dare you...to slow dance with Daniella." He says and smiles at me.

My body stiffens and I look at Tim.

He stands up and walks to me. He holds out his hand and I take it reluctantly.

"I'll play the song!" Luis yells.

I put my hands on Tim's shoulders followed with me clearing my throat. I tense a little bit when he puts his hands on my waist.

* Angel baby by Troye Sivan begins to play *

I throw a 'what the hell' glance at Luis.

"This is ridiculous." I say and giggle softly.

I look up at him. He grins and his gaze then drifts to my lips. He closes his eyes and shake his head softly.

"Ja." He replies softly and smile.

I rest my head on his shoulder.

What was that about?

• • •

When the songs finishes we turn around to the group. All their flashes are on. I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm done." Bene says and stands up.

"Me too." Jacob says.

Everyone ends up not wanting to play anymore.

I sit on the couch while Julien and Angelina flirt in front of me. The rest are in the kitchen.

I look at them and all I can think about is how bad my heart aches for a relationship when I see how happy they are.

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