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d a n i e l l a ' s p o v :

[ song suggested for this chapter:
Notion by The Rare Occasions :) ]

I got off the plane an hour ago. I head to the building where my apartment should be. The woman, I suppose I talked to on the phone about renting an apartment, greets me with a bright smile at the entrance.

"Hi! You must be Daniella. I'm Kiara," She says and shakes my hand, "How was your trip?"

"Exausting." I say and smile.

"You could do with some sleep then. Follow me." She says and smiles.

I walk behind her into the building to the elevator. I roll my luggages into the elevator and she pushes button number three.

"Your apartment is on floor three." She informs and I nod. The doors slide open and we head out. I follow her till we stop at a door.

"Here we are." She says and unlocks the door for me. She hands me the key.

"I hope you like it here. It's a lovely city...anywhoo, feel free to call me if you need anything." She says and smiles.

"Thank you." I say. I close the door. I leave my luggages at the door and inspect the apartment. When you walk in, you're in the kitchen and on your right you'll find the living room. I have an amazing view from the kitchen over the city and the bathroom is connected to the bedroom. It is pretty nice and also gives vacation vibes. Today is a pretty day to explore the city and I'm bored so why not. I head out and lock my door.

• • •

I got a place to hire bikes from and it's cheap too. I ride through the city and breathe in the fresh Spanish air of Barcelona. Barcelona is after all a very pretty place. I take a quick break and eat ice cream at the beach. Watching the waves crash is kinda satisfying. The screams and talking of people and children at the beach brings joy to your ears. The ocean is so wild and free...

I return the bike and walk the rest of the way to my apartment. When I get to the elevator I see a guy filming the elevator. Now, if you ask me, that was kinda sus. The elevator's doors open and there is a guy in it. Music comes from the phone and the guy in the elevator starts singing to it. It looks like they are filming a tik tok. I find it both hot and weird. I awkwardly stand a few feet away behind the guy filming. When the guy in the elevator notices me, he stops singing and starts to laugh.

"There's someone behind you bro." The guy in the elevator says with a thick, hot German accent.

The guy with the phone turns around. They were both kinda cute but I'm not here for boys...for now...The one in the elevator has dark hair with green or hazel eyes. The phone guy has brown hair matched by hazel or brown eyes. He smiles awkwardly and gets out of the way and the one in the elevator stands beside him. I head into the elevator. I quickly push the button to floor three while we awkwardly stare at each other. The doors close and I sigh in relieve. That was fucking awkward, but they are beyond hot!

I open my door. I'm hungry yet because I ate on the plane. It is currently 17:35. I head to the bathroom and take a shower. I roll my luggages into my bedroom. I put on comfy clothes and don't even bother packing my things away because I'm too lazy. I turn on the TV and see I have free Netflix! I choose to watch The Notebook. Again.

• • •

There is tissues surrounding me. My mascara is all messed up and it looks like I have the cold. I hear a blast of music and people rocking hard to it. I furrow my brows, but ignore it and continue watching the movie. When I can't focus anymore I go to my bedroom and knock hard on the wall since it's coming from the other side of my bedroom's wall.

The music still continues.

I go over to the apartment next door and knock on the door. When no one opens the door, I start to bang on it. My fist then collides with a chest. I look up.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" I say and cover my mouth of shock. Oh my fuck- It's the guy from the elevator!

"It's okay. It barely hurt at all." He says and smiles. He also has a german accent.

I look at his chest and notice how broad it is and how muscular it looks.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I look back up at him again and see him studying my face. I clear my throat, "Uhm yes. Why?" I ask and try to control myself from not staring at his chest again.

"You have this black stuff smothered under your eyes?" He says and pointed to under his eyes.

"Oh." I say and chuckle softly. I then take my index finger and wipe underneath my eyes. I look back up at him and see him shaking his head.

He then cups my face with both hands. I immediately freeze and gulp. That is not what you do when you first talk to someone ok! But to be honest, I'm not going complain... He then uses his thumbs to rub underneath my eyes.

"Better," He says proudly, "Wanna tell me why you ended up punching me?" He asks and chuckles to the thought of me punching him.

"Oh uh...could you maybe turn the music down a little bit please?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah." He says and turns around.

"Jacob, dreh die Musik etwas leiser." He says to the guy that was in the elevator. He turns back to me and smiles.

"Thank you." I say and head back to my apartment.

When I get into my apartment, I hear the music playing softly. I then continue my movie. Maybe they aren't such bad neighbors after all. One point for not being a nuisance and one point for being hot. Staying here might end up not being so bad...

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Hey you! How was it? LMAO! I literally cried as I laughed when I reread this chapter...It was lowkey cringe but let's make it work, capeesh?

I hope you enjoyed it and also laughed😭💀

Thank you for reading till the end 😭💗

ilyyy x

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~ love, d <3

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now