15 || fünfzehn

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"Right, guys, we're gonna make some grape juice," Dirk says, "Follow me."

I notice Tim frowning of confusion and can't help but smile.

We all follow Dirk to big trees that gives shadow. There is two big, round, wooden crates with a tap connected to it and a cup is underneath the tap.

"There's grapes in the crates. The couple that fills the cup first, will get an expensive price." Dirk announces.

I look at Tim. Looks like he didn't notice the part about ''couple''.

"What's happening?" He whispers to me.

"We have to step on the grapes and make juice till the cups fills." I say.

He nods reluctantly.

We clean our feet and then climb into the crates.

"We have to step fast, ok?" I say to Tim.

I am really competitive.

He nods. I place his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his arm's biceps.

He looks at where my hands are and then at me.

"So we don't fall." I say to him and smile.

"Right, one...two...three!" Dirk yells.

We start to step on the grapes.

"Go Abby!" Johan yells at Abby.

"Ek probeer, my fok!" Abby yells and I can't help but to laugh.

[translation: "I'm trying, fuck!"]

Tim and I make a great team.

"And... Daniella and Tim wins!" Dirk announces after inspecting if our cup was full first.

"Yay!" I say and throw my hands around Tim's neck.

"You'll get your reward later," Dirk says to us, "Next up...you see that cellar over there," Dirk says and points to a building in the distant.

We all look to where he's poiting. That's far.

"The couple who gets there first is the winner." Dirk says.

We all look at him like he's crazy.

"Go!" He yells and we all scramble.

I grab Tim's hand and start to run towards the vineyards.

* After a few miles of running *

"Do you know where were going?" Tim asks me.

"No. I don't see the cellar anymore." I say and stop to catch my beath.

I put my hands on my knees.

Tim chuckles and shakes his head.
I hear weird-frightening noises and frown.

"What was that? Did you hear that?" I ask Tim and look behind me, frightened.

"Probably a bunny or something." He says and turns around.

I hear rustling behind me and turn around.

A small, black pig comes and stands infront of me.

"Nope." I squeal and stand behind Tim.

"Daniella, it's a baby piggy." Tim says and smiles.

The pig makes a horrific sound and starts to run towards us.

We both scream and start to run.

We get to a small lake.

"We have to swim!" Tim yells.

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