5 || fünf

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d a n i e l l a ' s p o v:

(song suggested for this chapter:
Lost in time by Otnicka )

I head into the bathroom. I put down a robe and towel on the small table next to the shower.

I put on my shower cap and get in the shower. I turn the taps open on hot.

Just the feeling of the hot water relaxes my body.

• • •

I dry my body and put on the robe. I then head to my bedroom.

I put on some skinny jeans and a cute baby pink T-shirt with sandals.

My hair is a mess. I brush it out and fix it into a messy bun.

I just put on mascara and lipgloss.

After having a debate with myself for about 10 minutes if I look okay or not, I head over to the boys' apartment.

I knock on the door. Nothing. I knock again but yet again no one answers. I randomly twist the knob of the door, thinking it won't open, but surprisingly it does.

I open it a little bit and peek inside.

"Hello?" I say softly.

No one answers or make themself known. I fully open the door and head in.

It looks a lot like my apartment but it has more stuff in it.

I pass the kitchen and the air is filled with the aroma of food.

I head into the living room and look around me.

"Hello?" I say again.

I turn around and almost jump when I see Tim.

"Daniella?" He says surprised.

"Oh my gosh!" I say and cover my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"You don't have any clothes on!" I say.

"Daniella, it not like I'm naked. I have a towel wrapped around me." He says and chuckles.

I take my hands off my eyes and look at him.

"You basically are..." I say and try not to stare the towel off of him.

"I'll go get dressed then." He says and disappears.

I head to the kitchen and see food cooked.

Tim appears in just black shorts.

"Looks like you forgot to put a shirt on." I say and stare at his naked chest.

"And it looks like you're enjoying that I did." He says smirking.

I shake my head and look down, smiling.

He gets a fork and tastes the food on the stove in a pan.

"That is so disgusting." He says.

How is it gross if it smells so good?!

I take the fork from him and lightly push him out of the way.

"It can't be that bad." I say.

I put some food in my mouth. Liar.

I turn around and basically close the space between us. I look up at him and my breathing hitches.

"It tastes...good." I say.

He stares at me and slightly laughs.

"What?" I say softly.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now