3 || drei

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t i m ' s p o v :

I head into the elevator while I quickly type a text on my phone to Jacob.

"Wait! Stop!" I hear a feminine voice calling.

I look up and see the elevator's doors closing. I quickly put my hand between the doors to make the doors go open again.

"Asshole!" I hear her say and see her back facing me.

She turns around and frowns at the elevator.

She doesn't even notice me and heads in. It's the girl from yesterday at the elevator.

"Did you just call me an asshole?" I ask and turn to her.

I notice her body stiffen when she looks at me.

Her hair was wavy and it reminded me of the ocean's waves. She also smelled like vanilla. It reminded me a lot of vanilla surf wax I used to use for my surfboard.

I liked it, but she doesn't have to know.

"What! No." She says and look away.

"I'm pretty sure you did." I say and smile.

"Okay. Fine, I did. But I thought you ignored me and let the doors close on purpose." She says.

"Well I didn't. Does that still make me an asshole?" I ask her.

She smiles softly.

"No." She says and looks away.

"Ok. Do you wanna be on the top or bottom?" I ask her.

"Excuse me?" She says with her eyes slightly widened.

"What floor?" I ask confused and frown.

"Oh! Uh, floor one, please." She says and looks away.

I push button one.

The elevator's doors open. I head out. When I get to the exit, I open the door for her. She thanks me with a smile and heads out. She seems in a rush.

I head down the street and take out my phone. I take a video of myself explaining where I am and how beautiful Barcelona is and then show my surroundings.

I then put it on my Instagram story.

"You are so weird." I hear her say.

I jog to her and walk beside her.

"I'm not. I'm just blogging." I say.

She just shakes her head softly.

"Are you following me?" She suddenly asks.

"No. Are you following me?" I ask.

"No. Why are you going in the same direction as me?" She asks.

"I don't know. I'm going to go have breakfast at this cute shop." I say to her.

She stops in her tracks. I look up from my phone but she continues walking again.

"Me too." She says.

"Cool." I reply.

"Where's your friend?" She asks and looks behind her for some reason.

"At the beach's gym." I reply.

"Oh." She says.

• • •

We get to the place.

"Do you wanna join me? I mean you're kinda the only person I sort of know. And you seem to know your way around this place..." She says to me.

"Yeah sure." I reply.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now