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It has come to my attention that an author decided to call me out on their page for "stealing" their story idea and that I shouldn't have done it, because they "own" it and went on about how not cool it is and that people will know that it's not my idea and will link it to their story blah blah blah.

She/he did not mention my name, but I'm not gonna thank them. Why should I? I did nothing wrong in the first place for them even bothering to call me out. I will not be thanking them for anything, because they want attention and an reaction, which they're not gonna get. At the end she did actually name my book, which pissed me off, but I don't really care anymore.

The author knows who she/he is and is probably reading this rn, but I will not be naming the username or the book, and if you know, for the author's "privacy" please keep the name to yourself.

I realized something that bothers me quite a lot, as I read their a/n, it's the fact how they had the time to write a whole ass a/n that is not even accurate and then saying "sorry for not posting", because they've been "busy". It looks pathetic. You had time to wrote an a/n to feel sorry for yourself and answering comments, but you didn't have time to bother pleasing your readers? Damn, I don't know...That seems like a pathetic thing to do as an author. But hey, let's get straight to the point.

To my "fellow" autor that decided to make it publicly known that I "stole" their storyline, on their page; not even having the audacity to personally discuss the issue with me (now I'll do the exact same), but instead make their issue known as an a/n on their page, this is for you, as well as my readers that are maybe aware of the issue; just to clear things up.

Author, you're whole story is about one idea. One idea.
I'll also refer to that one idea as "your" idea - you'll see later why I use quotationmarks.

Not mine though. Mine exists out of a couple ideas. Ideas like from how my main female character meets the boys, to her falling for one of the boys, to her meeting all his friends, moving in with them, and basically just enjoying and sharing her life together with them. See, a couple of ideas and even more.

You're acting like I stole your whole freaking story (THAT EXISTS OUT OF ONE IDEA).

Our stories have a major difference.

Yours exists out of one idea and just a couple of days in your characters' lives, while mine starts from literally how the characters meet and to basically how they end up together to show the theme of 'happy love ending'.

It is not the same, except for being about the boys and the love story. That's it.

Now that a part of my story exists a tiny bit out of "your" idea that you decide you "own", but it has nothing to do with your book nor does my story; you're making a big dramatic deal out of it and how you're just "brushing" it off, but you made a freaking a/n about it LMAO. That's not bushing it off, but it's second hand embarrassment though.

It's like telling the whole wattpad platform that I stole your idea of writing about the boys. Ridiculous right? Absolutely hilarious, because anyone can write about the boys.

It's honestly funny how you're going on as a 12 year old over this.

We can all let our imagination run a little wild and get amazing ideas and maybe twist it a bit. Not just you.

And you saying, it was more than clearly made obvious in your note, that my other books might not even exist out of my own ideas just because you think I "stole" "your" idea, says a lot about your arrogant author ass for not getting over the fact that my book about the boys also got noticed and love.

I would never tell any author that their books might not even be their own ideas just because it's over the same people or over the same stuff that happens in their lives that is in both are books OR that they "stole" an idea that "I" seemly "own". I won't even do that to you for "stealing" the idea of writing about the boys.
See what I did there? I was being melodramatic like you for a sec there.

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