4 || vier

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d a n i e l l a ' s p o v :

(song suggested for this chapter:
pretty boy swag by Soulja Boy ;) )

When we were done eating, the waiter brings the bill and I get out my purse.

"How much do I owe?" I ask Tim who's holding the bill.

"Nothing. I'll take care of it." He says and takes out his wallet.

"No please. Let me pay." I say to him.

"Too late." He says and gives the waiter the money.

I sigh and smile.

"Thank you." I say.

He is so nice.

"Are we done here?" Jacob asks.

Tim nods.

"Thanks for the chats and breakfast." I say and take my purse and phone.

"Are you heading back to the apartment?" Tim asks.

I nod.

"We are too." He says and gets up.

I nod and start to walk. They both then let me walk in the middle of them.

"What are you gonna do for the rest of the day?" I ask both of them.

"We thought about going to jog and go to the gym." Tim says.

"Oh cool. Sounds...fun." I say.

"Ja. Why don't you join?" Tim suggests.

"I can't gym. I won't know what I'm doing." I say.

They both laugh.

"Okay...get changed into comfy clothes. We'll go for a jog and then go to the gym." Jacob says.

• • •

I change into shorts and a comfy shirt with jogging shoes.

I head over to Tim's apartment and knock on the door.

The door swings open and I gulp the sight of Tim shirtless. He smiles.

"I uh I'm done." I say, trying not to stare at his naked upper body.

"We are too." He says and steps outside with a jacket wrapped around his waist.

Then Jacob comes outside and is shirtless too.

"You're going shirtless?" I ask.

"Ja." Jacob says and heads to the stairs.

"We could've used the elevator you know." I say and follow Tim that is going after Jacob.

"We're warming up!" Jacob yells back.

I sigh to myself and jog down the stairs.

We get out and start to jog.

• • •

"Slow down!" I yell to Tim and Jacob that looks like they're in a marathon.

Fucking idiots.

"Hurry up!" Jacob yells.

My lungs are burning and I feel like I am about to collapse.

"I- I can't!" I manage to get out before stopping.

They both stop and walk to me.

It feels like my throat is closing. I bring my hand up to my neck. Tim kneels before me and Jacob beside him.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now