9 || neun

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T i m ' s p o v :

[song suggested for this chapter:
Tainy summer of love by Shawn Mendes ♡ ]

I wake up. I have a bit of a hangover but it's nothing I'm not use to.

I head to the kitchen and then Daniella comes in. She looks kinda cute to be honest. I lean against the wall with my arms crossed.

"Morning." I say and yawn.

"Goodmorning." She says chirply.

"Guten morgen." Jacob says and opens the fridge.

"Let's go for a walk on the beach?" Daniella says and turns to Jacob.

"I can't. I have to meet someone." He says and grabs things from the table.

"What about you?" She says and turns to me.

"Sure. Let's go. Bye bro." I say and put on my sandals.

I pat Jacob on the shoulder before heading out.

"You look ridiculous." Daniella says as we head into the elevator.

"No I don't." I say and smile.

She shakes her head softly and chuckles.

The elevator's doors open and we head out.

"Do I have to carry you now?" I ask since Jacob had to carry her last time.

"No. Welllll, not yet." She says and laughs.

It felt like I'm walking with a princess. Her laugh brings joy to my ears and it is tbe best feeling ever.

• • •

We get to the beach. The sun is nice and warm, the ideal weather of Barcelona that I prefer to have everyday.

We walk towards the water and only wet our feet. She stands in front of me. I look down at her and see how the sun emphasizes her cobalt colored eyes. There is a slight breeze that blows softly through her hair. She is so beautiful. Marvelously beautiful.

"About last night-" She tries and speak.

"I was so drunk. Sorry about last night." I say and laugh awkwardly.

I'm such an idiot.

She frowns her brows.

"Oh, yeah. Me too." She agrees and I notice she bites her lip.

"Look, we were drunk and said things we probably didn't mean," I say and look down, "But...I sort of have these mixed feelings for you. Do you...like me?"

"Tim, you are the nicest guy I've met so far. I would be dumb not to like you..." She says and I look up.

I smile and she throws her arms around me. I snake my arms around her waist and hug her gently, too scared she might break in my arms.

"I thought that when you confessed your feelings last night, you were drunk and didn't know what you were doing." I say.

"Well I'm sober now." She says and cups my face.

The kiss was passionate. I felt this type of electricity racing through every part of my body.

"Let's go drink coffee." I say smiling and take her hand.

We head to the cute coffee shop we first went to and really actually met.

We take a seat and order coffee.

• • •

After finishing our coffees, I start to talk.

"Daniella...I don't know how to tell you this, but when your lips touch mine I feel this feeling of electricity rushing through my body. You lite this type of energy inside of me. I really like you." I say and kiss her hand.

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