19 || neunzehn

775 14 4

d a n i e l l a 's p o v :

(song suggested for this chapter:
Light are on by Tom Rosenthal :) )

I wake up to the touch of warmth on my thigh. I smile and slowly open my eyes.

I see Tim taking his phone. Damn I kinda wanted his hand to stay there.

"Sorry. I just wanted to get my phone." He says before getting out.

We stopped at a gas station, but we're waiting in a line.

I look behind me and see the boys still asleep in the back.

I get out and stretch out. It's cloudy, but it's still a bit warm.

It starts to rain. The gas station has a huge roof so it stops us from getting wet.

The line moves forward.

Tim finally fills the car with gas.

"Should I wash the windows?" I ask and take a dry leaf off of Bene's window . The windows are quite dirty; covered in a thin layer of dust, caused by the wind that blew sand against the windows when we drove through a dry and sandy area.

"You don't have to. The rain will probably wash it."

"And if it stops raining? I'll do it anyway."

I take a bucket and a window cleaner. I dub the window cleaner in the bucket of water and then wash the windows.

I look at Tim and see him looking at me when I get to the trunk's window, next to him.

"What are you looking at?" I ask and throw a bit of water on him.

I laugh and he opens his mouth of shock.

I turn around and hear his footsteps.

I turn back to face him and notice that the bucket isn't on the floor anymore, but in his hands.

"Drop it!" I yell and run around the car.

I hear a metal sound colliding with the floor. He finally catches me by my waist.

He picks me up and carries me into the rain, hugging me.

"I guess this will have to do then." He grins.

We are so close to each other, basically sharing the same oxygen.

"Enough!" I squeal.

His grips loosens and I run back to the car.

"Now I'm wet!" I complain.

"Exactly like I want you to be."

I widen my eyes and laugh at his statement.

Damn I'm dirty minded.

"Dirty mind. Dirty mind. Di-di-di-dirty mind"

"Shit. I didn't mean it like that." He chuckles and rubs his neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jacob asks grumpy from inside the car and looks at us confused.

I brush my damp hair out of my face and look at Jacob.

"She spilled water on me." He says and points finger at me.

I point a finger back, "He made me wet."

I start to laugh at my own words and Tim joins. Jacob just stares at us confused.

"Do you want some food?" Tim asks.

"Nah I'm good." I reply calming down and look down at my damp hoodie.

"Me too." Jacob says and gets out of the car and then stretches himself out.

The Elevatorboys || Yes, that hot, german boysWhere stories live. Discover now