24 || vierundzwanzig

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* 1 month later *

Tim's mother, my mother, his sister, Angelina, Jacob, Bene and I are at the boutique looking for a wedding dress.

They all wait in the seating area while I try on the dress I chose.

Every bride that got to choose their wedding dress just knew that the dress was the one...and this is the one.

I examine myself in the mirror. I had a tiny bump but you could hardly see it.

I breathe out and then head to my friends.

I walk in and their faces soften.

"How do I look?" I ask softly.

I notice tears in all of their eyes, literally.

"Guyssss. You're gonna make me cry!" I say and get emotional.

"I speak for us all, you look miraculously beautiful, Daniella." Bene says and smiles.

I smile.

"That is definitely the one." Angelina says and wipes away her tears.

I nod.

"It really is." I say.

My mother stands up and stands beside me.

"You look like a princess, baby." She says and I notice tears in her eyes.

"Thank you mom." I say and hug her.

I turn to Angelina.

"I forgot to ask but do you wanna be-"

"Yes!" She jumps up to hug me.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask? You wanna be my bridesmaid?" I finally ask.

She nods her head and hugs me again.

• • •

* 2 months later *

Today is the day of my wedding and I'm officially three months and two weeks pregnant.

I walk down the aisle with my dad. Tim starts to cry but tries to hide it.

I smile and try to be strong. When we get to the front, my dad places the vail behind my head and kisses my cheek.

After standing for a while, we finally get to the question.

"Do you Tim Schaecker take Daniella as your wife?" The priest asks Tim.

"I do." He says and places the ring on my finger.

"And do you, Daniella-"

"Yes." I interrupt him and place the ring on his finger.

"Looks like someone is excited." The priest comments.

Everyone laughs.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The priest says.

Tim pulls me closer by my waist and kisses me.

Everyone claps their hands and cheer.

"That's our friends!" Jacob yells and the others go crazy.

I grin and place my forehead against his.

"I love you." I whisper.

"And I love you." He whispers back.

• • •

* 6 months later *

Tim's cousin is visiting us. The rest of the boys and Angelina are somewhere in Croatia.

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