12 || zwölf

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The following chapter contains talking about sexual content.

They don't actually get to that part of making love, but if you don't like the spicy scene of kissing and stuff, I'd advise you to skip by the warning as you read further.

Enjoy x


T i m ' s  p o v:
(song suggested for this chapter:
Lost in the fire by the weeknd ;) )

We get to the club and immediately order shots.

Jacob and I drink shots and then Daniella join us later.

I honestly love it when Daniella laughs.

"I'll go get more shots." She says giggling and then stands up.

After a few minutes Jacob opens his mouth.

"You like her, don't you?" Jacob asks and gives me a huge grin.

"You're drunk. Shut up." I say and laugh.

"Ja. You do." He says.

I ignore him.

"l'll go help Daniella with the shots." I say and stand up.

I head to the bar.

I then see her and that Jensen guy kissing.

Even though I was drunk, I saw what I saw and that hurt like a bitch.

She pulls away and then sees me.

I turn around.

I thought they broke up?

"Tim wait!" She says with a vulnerable tone.

I stop.


I grab a random girl by her waist and kiss her. I wanted her to feel how I felt when she kissed him.

The girl reacts like anyone that just got kissed by stranger would, confused and shocked.

"Jacob's waiting for me." I say and continue walking.

"He kissed me!" She yells.

I look back at her.

"You really just waited for me to leave you alone so you could get the chance to have his hands all over you!" I say.

"What? No. Can't you see what he's trying to do? He doesn't want us to be together!" She says and her voice cracks.

"Cut the crap. You said you loved me? You're a liar because you never did." I say with hurt.

"Tim, I promise, he kissed me. I couldn't get him off of me. I'd never pull that shit on you. But you then kissed a girl you don't even know!" She says.

I notice tears in her beautiful eyes and then she bites her lip. I have to get out of here.

I scoff and turn around and leave.

• • •


I took a taxi back to the apartment. I just sit on the couch...with every single moment with her replaying in my head.

I hear the door open and turn around.

It's her.

"He really did kiss me," She says, "But then you kissed her." She says with hurt.

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