5.4 Make It Shine

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Short Note: Yes I added an interview part to the audition process. And omg 102 reads! Thanks! Sorry for the wait writers block. And cuz i got 5th place for hip hop and 3rd for show cheer at nationals. Btw sorry if this chapter is awkward! It came to me in a dream.


As the two groups waited for their turn to be interviewed they were all talking and laughing and having a good old time.

"Bad Girls Next Door?" A tan man said in a nasal voice. The all five girls stood up and followed the X factor employ. The man came to a room and held opened the door ushering the girls in.

"Take a seat, get comfortable and make him love you!" The man said with a smile as big as Texas. The girls all nodded their heads as the man mumbled something about how he loves the interviewer himself. Mindy let out a giggle and the man shot her a glare and then he strutted out the door. The girls sat down and took swigs of water from the five bottles placed in front of them. Seconds later he pooped his head back in.

"And girls don't be blinded by his beauty." He put his hand to forehead and pretended to faint like a maiden in distress. (Sorry for the weird description.) The girls gave him a confused look but he pulled his head back into the hallway before anyone could say anything.

"Was he gay?" Ally asked.

"Yea. I think so." Jazzy said.

"I love gay people," Ally beamed. All the girls laughed at how straight forward she was. Ally is the type of girl who doesn't really care about what people thought about her. All of a sudden the door flung open and a tall man walked in.

"Sorry if I startled you." The young man apologized as he took a seat in front of the now standing girls.

"It's ok girls take a seat," the man said with his silky voice. The man had dark skin like Niki's and dark brown eyes. He wore a v-neck tee shirt that flattered his biceps and pecks. He had a stubble and short black hair.

"So first things first. I'm Jay and I'll just be getting to know you girls. I am also one of the designers for the contestants. This interview will not be aired on tv but It will been able to be seen by other finalist in the 'groups' category if you make it. So shall we begin?" The girls mouths hung open a little in awe of the lovely man who sat in front of them. He looked around their age maybe 23 at the oldest. He glanced around at all the girls and his eyes fell on Niki. He soaked in her body with his eyes. She became self-conscious under the flawless mans gaze. She looked down at her lap and fiddled this her clothing. Niki's head snapped toward Ally as she spoken in 'Double Dutch', a secret code that two learned when they were younger.

"I think he likes you!" Ally blurted out in the code. Niki's cheeks heated up and she opened her mouth a little as she thought up a reply.

"A secret BGND language?" Jay broke in, "that is-is um? I don't know. It's um interesting! I love it. We can work with this! Anything different will help you girls in this competition. Speak more!" Jay said as if he just saw an amazing magic trick. Niki pause for a moment not knowing what to say.

"But I," Niki slowly started in the code. She glanced over at Jay who motioned for her to continue.

"I don't like him!" Niki complained, " I mean I think he is nice and all but- b-but," Niki said.

"But what!" Ally said urgently.

"ButILikeLikeZayn!" Niki blurted out in one breath. Her checks burned. Jay looked back and forth at Niki and Ally with a confused look on his face.

"Wait what did she say?" He questioned lifting an eyebrow toward Ally. The girls found a few problems with the flawless man. He's a ladies man and he had many affectations. (Affectation is a vocabulary word I learned while reading the Hunger Games so i had to use it!!) The sound of his voice and his reactions were so phony and seemed scripted. This left the girls to wonder how his outward appearance was so flawless but the inner one was so unreal?

"Nothing." Niki rushed out in English. Her face was heating up even more. She covered her face trying to hide the embarrassment.

"It's okay doll face," Jay said, "I get it you don't wanna talk about it in front of your band." He ushered the girls out the room. As the girls left the room Niki pleaded in her mind that they would stay.

"Just tell him what he wants to hear! Don't blow are chance since he can make or break us." Ally commanded in the code. Niki silently agreed. All four of the other girls listened from outside the door.

Niki's P.O.V (The awkward part)

Once the girls left I stood up, not wanting to be looked down upon. He went over and paused the camera.

"Now that the others aren't hear you can tell me what you said," Jay said as he got as close to me as he possibly could but with touching me. He towered over me even with my heels on I was only about at his shoulders. He closed the space in between us, pushing my against the wall.

"Tell me," he whispered in my ear before he left a kiss on my neck. It caused me to shiver.

"I-I um I uh," I was tripping over my words as he kissed my neck again. It was as if he had me in a trance. Part of me wanted him but the other didn't. A whimper was all I could let out.

"What's wrong," he ask in between kisses, "tell me what you said." He begged. The side of me that wanted him to stop became strong. It became sickened at the man. I pushed his chest away from mine.

"Stop!" I commanded him. I began to head to the door. He clearly wasn't used to not getting his way.

"Why?" He growled his voice filled with anger as he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go your hurting me!" I wined. He loosened his grip but didn't let go.

"Tell me then." His voice softened in volume but was still harsh.

"Because this is wrong! Your just like Harry!" I said. He let go of my arm and smiled. He was such a bipolar man. He skipped over to the camera and turned it back on I sat back in my chair.

"Styles?" He asked. I nodded my head as I sipped some water.

"I had just interviewed him! So is he your boyfriend?" He asked. I spit my water out and began laughing.

"Okay wait a minute." The man said hopping up out is seat and opening the door. In fell four screaming girls. This made me laugh even more. My friends got up and sat down in their places.

"So is Niki dating Harry?" Jay asked in a serious voice. My friends bursted out laughing.

"No." Mindy managed to choke out, "she's not dating anyone." The laughter died down. During the rest of the interview he was really nice and I did find out he was bipolar. I still felt guilty for letting him kiss me. We were let out and told to wait to be called to audition in front of the real judges.

************************************AUTHOR'S NOTE:

Yes I know this was a weird one! But it is just a filler. So I wonder if Niki will tell Zayn what happened in the interview.


I feel like that chapter sucked!

Anyway Happy later Birthday Harry and so what about that Superbowl to all my American readers!

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