8.2 Keep the Flag

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Mindy's P.O.V

The game just begun and everyone ran to their chest. We were all given a personal video taper that follows us around. It's kind of annoying. I, being horrible at anything involving running was the last to our chest. I was out of breath.

"Damn you're hella slow." Ally pointed out.

"Thanks. I try," I said, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"We need someone to hide the chest." Niki said.

"I volunteer! I am not good at running as SOMEONE mentioned earlier." I said.

"Ok here we will get some flags," Jazzy said, "and Niki don't go crazy and kill someone."

"No promises." Niki said as they all ran off in separate directions. I was left to hide the chest. Luckily it was very light. I took my flag and tucked it on the elastic band on my shorts. I couldn't decide where to hide the chest. It was either the trees or tent. I didn't want anyone raiding our tent so I went to the trees. The trees were way to tall so I hid in the girls bathroom. I know. Crappy hiding place. hahaha I'm so punny. End of P.O.V

Ally's P.O.V (written by Siena)

"Yes they are light weight retarded," I said.

"WHAT! you heard me." Niki asked.

"Yeah you kind of that habit of saying what you think out loud." I replied.

We came up with our plans to split up and we are to meet in the girls bathroom.

Running away still laughing I needed to spot one of the other team's people. Me being the clumsy, I had to tripped on a few rocks while running and then on Michael, from 5SOS, heel. Whoops. Oh wait! He must have a flag.

I looked ahead and just keep running because he started to chase me. I needed to get away.

As I was runing, I spotted an orange chest. I know that it's 5SOS's chest. I hate to admit it but damn they're hot.

The chest was in and island like part of the lake and I was like 300 feet away. The water looked deep. Someone was behind me but I had no time for looking back. No time to spare.

I was about 100 feet away now.

Ughhhh I'm tired. Running is not my thing.

I tripped and tried and get back up.

Someone caught my foot. Crap. It was Ashton. With my other foot I kicked him in the face and broke his glasses.

I jumped up.

"SORRRRYYY!" I yelled as I ran off.

I finally got to the lake. I had to swim. I put my feet and it was freezing cold. I wanted to jump out but I was being chased. Ashton had swam after me . And he was fast. I guess the Aussies swim a lot. (Sorry if that offends anyone) I got close to the chest.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming." I could heard Ashton singing from behind me.

"Thanks for the motivation!" I yelled back.

After that I got to the island and got to the flag. Ashton had tried to grab the flag but failed. I used the skills Niki taught me and bitch slapped him.

''Abuse much?'' He pouted

''Yupp, sorry Ashton.'' I said.

I kept running and running. Someone had to jumped on me and steal the flag. Who would of guessed,Harry. Damn,he ran like a sloth. I managed to jump on his back grab the flag and hop off. I start jogging towards the bathroom. Ashton an Harry were so tired they were walking like turtles.

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