3.4 Fun and Games

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This is just a fun filler chapter that you may skip if you want.


At the 'sleepover' they didn't want to end the fun they had so they came up with 'Le Challenge'. Before they even started Liam and Mindy both backed out of the game.

"Since Liam and Mindy aren't playing you guys will keep score. Oh and read this." Louis said handing Mindy a paper. Mindy studied the paper trying to read it.

"I can't make out this chicken scratch," She said, "Here Liam you try." She passed the paper to Liam.

"I believe it says, 'First everyone take 6 shots each. Then run to someone's house and ask for sugar. Keep trying until you get sugar. Once you have sugar bring it back to the house. Then remove your shirt and trousers and run to the park. Then put your partner on your shoulders and run back to the house. Then sing the ABC's backwards. Finally draw a picture of a cat. The teams are Harry and Ally, Zayn and Niki, Louis and Jazzy,and Niall and Molly. May the odds be ever in your favor!'" Liam read. Mindy went to the kitchen and poured 48 shots of vodka.

"Ready.Set.Go!" Mindy said as she waved her hand signaling the beginning of the race.

*Narrator/ Announcer P.O.V*

Everyone ran to the kitchen and drank six shots and ran out the front door feeling more than a little tipsy. Team Hally ran to their neighbors house and got sugar on their first try. Team Ziki stumbled up to the same door as Team Nilly and had to find a different house. They went to the next house only to find Team Lazzy receiving a cup of sugar. Team Ziki ran to the next house and received sugar. Team Nilly didn't get any from their first house and had to go to another house. They finally got some sugar but are currently in last place. Team Hally were the first ones back to the house. They were halfway done undressing when Team Lazzy arrived and began striping down. Team Lazzy finished undressing before Team Hally because Harry was having trouble getting off his pants off. Harry barely had his pants off when Team Ziki started getting undressed. Team Harry tried to run just as Team Nilly came back to the house. Harry tripped over his pants and fell. Team Ziki ran ahead of them laughing. Ally helped Harry up and tried to catch up. Team Nilly finish undressing last but caught up to Team Hally and passed them. Team Lazzy go to the park first. Jazzy got on Louis back but they fell over. They tried and tried. Pretty soon Team Ziki caught up and passed them. Team Lazzy finally got it together right when Team Nilly and Team Hally arrived. Both teams headed back to the house. Everyone ended up get back to the house at the same time. Team Nilly finished singing the ABC's backwards in no time. Team Ziki and Team Hally finished right behind them. Team Lazzy messed up twice so they where far behind. The other three teams were neck and neck.






Who's gonna win this silly game?

Read more to find out.

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