7.2 All is Fair in Love And War

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(A/N: that you for the 71 votes and 517 reads! Okay can I get at least two comments on this part? This one is dramaful cause my mom took my phone away. This is my 'sorry' present.)

Louis' P.O.V

If you say alarm clocks are bad you have obviously never been woken up but trumpets. The blaring tune was blasted through the camp. I have to admit the trumpets weren't that bad. I felt a hard slap on my face. I was about to say something when something heavy knocked the wind out of me. I looked out to see Louis.

"Your on my stomach." I said finally mustering up enough air to let my words out.

"Sorry," he said. He removed his body only to fall on the other half wake boys.

"Get your fat arse of me!" Zayn groaned as he swatted at Harry's bum.

"Sorry," Harry said as he finally gained his balance. By now all the boys were awake.

"Everyone is to meet at the stage in a hour and a half," the voice boomed over the loudspeaker, "Carry on." Liam, being the most mature, believed it was his duty to get us all up and ready.

"Okay lads! Rise and shine! Grab some clothes so we can book it to the showers." He said.

"But we have plenty of time," Niall complained.

"No buts. I think we should dress casually. Bring jeans and a shirt." Liam ordered. There were a few grunts and groans in protest but we all gave in. He had us up and marching to the showers in 6 minutes. After 5 minutes of walking down the dirt path, we arrived at the showers. A group, I believe called Emblem 3, had already taken their showers and were changing. Sure the lads were a little cocky but who isn't? I think I could befriend them. Anyway, we exchanged our friendly 'hello's' and went to the shower area. Unlike the wooden changing area we entered from, the room was a light blue tile. There were no mirrors in here however. I looked in the loo and it was a deeper blue color. It had five stalls and five urinals. I found a room that had a lot of mirrors. This would be the place you put on the finishing touches. The room was stocked with hair products, lotions, and body sprays. I walked back into the shower area to find my friends undressing and a naked Harry running around. I think he was the first to strip because he only walked down here in the boxers Liam forced him to wear. He waned to go in the nude.

"Harry! Get in the shower!" Liam ordered. Harry's bottom lip poked out as he walked into a shower. I took my clothes off and got into a shower too. Niall started the song, Waterfalls. Of course we all joined in.

Once we finished our quick showers we dried off and changed. When we got to the mirror room Zayn fell in love... With himself. We all were done in 3 minutes but Zayn was working on his hair. I grabbed his arm.

"Come on Zayn. That's enough." I said.

"No. I have to be perfect!" Zayn screeched. Liam, being the strongest, easily flung the skinny, tanned boy over his shoulder and walked out the door.

"Nooooo!" Zayn cried. Liam just continued his fast stride.

"When are we going to eat?" Niall questioned. Everyone decided not to answer him. A huff escaped his thin pink lips.

Once we got back to the tent, Zayn was put down and we all put our clothes away. We laughed and talked on the way to the stage. When we arrived, the Barbies and Emblem three were the only ones there.

"Hey boys!" Bridgette purred in a flirty tone. Zoe, her group mate, was to busy talking to Emblem Three to notice. We let out a chorus of 'hello's.' I think he name Barbies fit them well. From their caked faces and tight clothes to their bleach blonde hair and push-up bras. The wore short black pencil skirts and a pink tube top that looked like it could burst and minute now. Harry was looking her up and down. Of course Bridgette wanted the toy that was already taken, Zayn. We completely ignored the rest of us and went over to talk to Zayn. Oh well.

The other guys and I went over to hangout with Emblem Three and Zoe. It turns out Zoe is pretty nice. I look over to check on Zayn and Bridget. The two are snogging! Face turns from horror to anger. How could Zayn pull a Harry!?! How could he do this to Niki? I'm sure this would be on camera and it is not going to be a good thing for us.

"Woah dude whats wrong?" Harry asked. Before I could say anything Ally's scream pierces the air around us.

************************************Authors Note:

Ooooooh! Drama! Cliffhanger? Well kinda. I'm bad at cliffhangers.

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