1.2 Up in the air

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Ally's P.O.V

So I went to take a piss and all of a sudden some man comes up behind me and grabbed me. Before he can cover my mouth I let out a yell for help. I stated wiggling to try to get away. All my screams were muffled however.

"Shut the hell up!" The man whisper- yelled as he put a knife to my throat. He pulled me into the bathroom and began to feel me up. At this point I started to cry. I couldn't believe I was going to get raped on my best friends birthday.

"Stop!" I begged, "I have little money but I'll give it to you. If you let me go I promise I won't tell."  

"Shut up!" he demanded. 

He started to kiss my neck. He nipped, bit, and harshly sucked at my skin. I whimpered trying to keep quite. My knees began to shake and I silently sobbed. I could feel his hard member rub up against me. Right when he started to unbutton my blouse. I started to bawl. Just then Niki and a Quick Stop employ busted through the door. The employ punched the man in the face with such force the rapist was out cold. I ran over to Niki and crumbled in her arms. The police came, took our statements, and arrested the man. The police then informed me that they had plenty of other witnesses who were really raped. They told me I was free to go. Niki put me in the passenger seat and pulled out of the gas station. (sorry I didn't want to write about a trial.)End of POV 

Once the girls got to the airport Niki parked in a red zone so the car would be towed away because they weren't planning on coming back. Niki jump out the car and went to the trunk.  

"Ally can you unlock the trunk?" Niki asked.  

"Yeah sure. Wait a sec." Ally replied. A few moments later the trunk popped open. Niki started to grab her bags when Ally appeared to help.  

"Thanks," Niki said as she closed the trunk. The girls strutted into the airport. They got their bags checked, went through security and headed to the boarding area. This was Ally's time flying and she was scared to death. 

"Next person," the ticket lady smiled. Ally just stood there like a statue. 

"Go on Ally," Niki said while pushing Ally forward. 

"I can't I'm to scared!" Ally whispered

"Mrs I can assure you  there is nothing to be afraid of. Trust me." The lady conforted her. Ally shakily handed her the boarding pass. Niki gave the lady hers too. Niki had to practically drag Ally on to the plane. The whole way to England Ally was holding on to her seat or making her way to the bathroom so she could throw up. Niki was to busy typing up her fanfic to really notice. 4 hours through the flight the girls finally fell asleep. After about a hour of napping the turbulence decided to wake Ally up. 

"Niki! Niki! The plane is about to crash! What do we do!" Ally whispered in a panic.  

"What no we aren't," Niki said sleepily, "It's just the turbulence." 

"Are you sure?" 

"100%. Now get some sleep." The turbulence stopped and Ally eventually went back to sleep. After 4 more hours the plane landed.  

"It's time to go," Ally said as she rushed of the plane nearly knocking every single person in her path down. Niki hurried after her. When Niki caught up to Ally she was on the floor kissing it. 

"Oh don't be so dramatic Ally." Niki giggled. 

"Oh sweet Jesus! Land! Land! I will never leave you again," Ally proclaimed as she laid on the floor. 

"Get up. We need to go get are luggage and then hail a taxi. And don't forget to call Molly to tell her we will be arriving at the house soon." 

"Molly?" Ally questioned. 

"Remember? The lady who is renting part of her house to us." 

"Okay, I'll call her right now." Ally said as she pulled out her phone. 

"Taxi! Taxi!" Niki pleaded, "Taxi!" Niki yelled as taxis zipped past the girls. Niki finally hailed a taxi. They put their bags in the trunk and both sat in the back. 

" 'ello girls," the driver said, "where too?" 

"I love your accent?" Ally said. 

"What accent?" He questioned. "Your the ones with the accents."

"Oh yeah..." Ally said realizing they were the foreigners.

"Anyway, can you take us to 321 Little Lake Street?" Niki asked. 

"Sure thing." The man said.

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