6.5 Findind The Factor

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Simon's P.O.V ( yeah new point of view! Im so hyped! Enjoy and comment and fan.)

Start of Explanation

Since Xfactor has been such a hit, I decided to make an online reality show out of the contestant lives during Xfactor. I called it, 'Finding The Factor.' There are various live feeds. Right now they show different areas like, the boys camp, the girls camp, eating area, the lake, and we placed many camera's in various places. We also have a live feed that switches to only places were the action is. So far this is the post popular.

The viewers can vote for their favorite people or groups. We then use this information to see who we should be getting footage of. The show lets the viewers see how the contestants really act.

I also changed BootCamp this year. Instead of having it at the Xfactor stage, we brought it outdoors. It is literally a Camp. Hence the name BootCamp 'Camp'. The camp is in the middle of the woods. There is a lake that is almost clear. We had a storage hut to keep all of the pool toy in. The eating area was in a plush bed of grass. It had picnic tables. The contestants are not required to eat here however it is encouraged.

The lake is in the middle of the camp. You can walk around the lake or over it on a 'sturdy' bridge. Note the quotes around sturdy. Anyway the lakes separates the camp in half the side with the eating area is on the boys side of the camp. We put up a snack shack for the girls side. The girls side also had the stage. Each side has its own bathroom facilities because we don't like accidents. These facilities include a changing area, showers, and a mirror room. After dark the contestants shouldn't be crossing sides, but of course it's not a rule because we want the drama! End of Explanation

"Bro Code!" Britney introduced with a smile. They were a group of three guys. The oldest, 20, was a red haired boy named Jet. The second oldest, 19, was a blonde Kyle . The third was a black hair 18 year old named Matt. The walked on stage and shared some information about themselves and went of stage.

"Jade!" Demi called warmly. A little girl in a pink princess dress skipped onto the stage. Her long blonde curls bouncing behind her.

"Hello everyone," she began, "I'm Madison and my daddy says I'm a princess." She does a curtsy as the duo of blonde 18 year olds hold back their snickers. The call themselves the Barbies.

"I'm 17 1/2 and I have that X factor. My daddy and I will do anything to prove it." She finished as she shoots daggers at the Barbies. She turns back to the rest of the crowd, smiles, and skips off stage.

"Bad Girls Next Door!" L.A Reid called. A few seconds pass and nobody is coming up the stage.

"BGND?" He asked. Still no reply.

"Um okay then." I say awkwardly, "One Direction." And once again no one moves. I'm about to call them again when a group of 10 boys and girls run onto the stage breathlessly. The one in a bunny costume flops onto the ground, trying to catch her breath.

"Um you must be One Direction and BGND?" I asked. In response they all nodded.

"Okay first, Bad Girls, introduce yourselves." L.A suggested.

"I'm Mindy, that's Molly, Jazzy, Ally, and the one dying on the floor is Niki." The girl who looked like Cher, a girl who introduced herself earlier, said. Niki gave a grunt in response to her name. She slowly got up and rose to her feet.

"Well I'm Harry and that's Boobear-"

"Louis!" Liam corrected.

"Fine. That's Loubear, Liam, Zayn, and Niall." Harry finished.

"Nice costumes!" A 13 year old boy named Devin yelled. The sea of people hooted and hollered. Some guys and girls were wolf whistling.

"Quiet down, quiet down everyone!" I said hushing the crowd.

"I'm sure you have a good explanation for this." I said turning to the bunny and Peter Pan.

"Ask our friends." Niki grumbled as she crossed her arms.

"Don't be rude, love." Zayn said as he nudged her arm.

"Well your workers came and took your stuff. And if you have seen the video," Molly said as the two blushed, "You might have noticed they only had underwear left. So we go them costumes. It was either funny costumes, or go half naked."

"I think I would have rather seem him half naked." One of the Barbies, Bridgette, smirked at Niki. Niki clenched her fist and lunges toward the girl. Zayn grabs her wrist. Did I mention we won't stop any fights because who doesn't love a good fight?

"Let me go!" Niki yelled as she tried the hit the girl. Zayn pulled Niki back into a hug which seemed to relax Niki.

"It's ok. I don't play with Barbies," he whispered. The pulled out of the hug.

"Okay but it's not you I don't trust it's that bitch!" Niki as she shoot evils at the girl. The two groups walked of the stage.

The rest of the introductions were not as eye catching as that. I'm sure the intros got the Barbies, One Direction, and BGND a lot of attention. That's good for our viewings.

************************************AUTHOR'S NOTE:

I hope you liked this sorry it's short but I'm posting two in one day so yay!

The next one is a co-written one.



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