4.4 Road Trip

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It was finally the day before the two groups auditions. Both groups decided to save money and rent a hummer limo together for £25 each person. In total they paid £250.  

Mindy's P.O.V 

We had a big day a head of us tomorrow. We all were packed except for Ally.  

"Come on Ally the limo is gonna get here in any minute now." Niki said while helping Ally pack.  

"I was busy," Ally said. 

"Yeah, busy not packing." Jasmine sassed back. 

"Aren't you sassy today?" I teased Jazzy. Jazzy just nodded with a smile on her face. After a minute or two there was a knock on the door. 

"I'll get it!" I yelled from the kitchen.  

"Oh ello, you must be Jim." I said. 

"Yeah you must be...Mindy? Nice to meet you." Jim said and I led him into the living room were everyone else was. Molly hopped up and hugged Jim. Jim wore a black tee, beige cargo shorts, black tube socks, and black converse. Molly and the rest of us wore black yoga pants and our choice of sweatshirt. 

"If it is not to much to ask can I go with you to London?" Jim questioned. Molly turned to us and gave us big puppy dog eyes. 

"Can he pwease pwease come?" Molly begged. 

"Sure but keep your shirt on." Ally said teasing Jim. Jim's cheeks grew red. 

"Yes you get to come!" Molly said as she threw her arms around Jim and kissed him. He started the deepen the kiss. Jazzy cleared her throat and the to separated from each other and fiddled with their clothing. Then there was another knock at the door. I went to the door this time. And an older gentleman was standing there in a driver's (mini note: sorry i cant spell. I spelt it so wrong spell check couldn't correct it so i replaced it with driver) uniform.  

"I'm here to take you to London right?" the driver asked. I nodded my head.  

"Do you have any bags?" The man asked. 

"Yes we do," I said flashing the man a smile. "Girls it's time to go!" I called from the front door. I then went in the house and found my bags. Ally was running around getting the rest of her stuff packed. We all brought our luggage to the porch and the man put it into the trunk. Once we all sat down Niki asked if we all had our phones. Ally shot up out over her seat and ran into the house she returned. 

"I just remembered it was in my bra," Ally said as she was smacking her forehead. Niki went straight to the fridge. The fridge was smaller than a meter. She opened it and found it was deeper than it looked. She took out a huge sub sandwich and began eating it. I don't know how she could eat cause we just had breakfast and I'm stuffed.  

"Where to first?" The driver asked. 

"To the house next door, we have five more passengers." Molly said. The man wrinkled his eyebrows but pulled up to the next house anyway. The driver got out the car and knocked on the door. End of P.O.V 

Zayn's P.O.V 

Liam made us wake up at 5:30 in the morning to get up. We all took showers and did our hair. I would have just worn what I sleep in but Liam told me I couldn't just wear my underwear. I changed into loose comfortable jeans and a gray hoodie. All the other guys wore some comfortable clothes too.  

"Okay guy time to eat!" Liam called from the kitchen. Liam and Harry had made pancakes and bacon. (Mini note: yea they have been eating a lot of bacon.)  

"Smells delicious." Niall said licking his lips. 

"Niall you would eat paper if you had to." Louis said. 

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