2.5 Unfashionably Late

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Niki's P.O.V 

All I knew was that I was sleep and had no plan on waking up. I was laying on something nice and warm. I felt a heart pounding so it was most likely a person. I didn't know who but i was to comfortable to care who it was. I snuggled in deeper into the warmth.

"Look how cute they look," a voice said. Wait I'm not in my room?

"Should we wake them?" A second one said. Ugh. Please don't. Let me and who ever look cute. I can't remember last night but I'm sure I would see picture or something later.

"Probably. We are already late for school." A third said who I guessed was Liam. All of a sudden I hear a camera go off. I groaned a little and my eyes fluttered open. The sun was way to bright. Wait. I'm outside?

"Good morning sleepy head," an Irish accent sung. Aw Niall is like a little puppy that wake you up in the morning, annoying but cute. I groaned closing my eyes and turned a little causing the person I was on to groan. I would move more but I was intangled with the person. I think it could be Ally. Wait Ally has boobs, right? I reach my hair down to the persons crotch and feel something that wasn't a vagina. A moan escapes the guys mouth. My eyes grew wide as I quickly pulled my hand away and roll of the person. Now I'm cold.

"Aw," the person said, "I was comfortable." Maybe cause of the almost hand job I almost gave him. All of a sudden someone snatched the blanket off of me. I opened my eyes and rubbed my lightly pounding head. I saw a certain cheeky curly boy standing there with it. I turned to see that I was cuddling with Zayn during my slumber.

"Hey, babe didyou have a nice rest?" Zayn asked with a husky morning voice. I realised we were all still in swimwear.

"It was okay," I mumbled. 

"Come on guys get ready," Liam said. 

"We are going to school with a hangover?" Molly questioned with a groan. 

"I'll drive cause I didn't drink and I'm not missing school because of you guys." Liam said. 

"But we don't have a car that big?" Niall questioned. 

"Well lover boy and lover girl can sit together." Liam teased. Zayn blushed. 

"It was cold," I defended. Zayn nodded his head. 

"Anyway we will all just squeeze in," Liam said. End of P.O.V

Everyone made cereal and pretty much wore what they had on. The guys gave the girls some shirts. They were plain black shirts.

"I guess you guys don't happen to have any bras." Niki said as everyone got ready.

"Harry might." Louis piped up. Niall and Zayn giggled.

"I might. But they probably wouldn't fit you. I date girls with big boobs." Harry said.

"Ha ha ha very funny. And as if you dated them. You seem like the one night stand type of guy." Niki said.

"Well I guess I won't be letting you wear a bra." he said.

"Fine by me. This won't be the first time I didn't wear a bra." She said. The girls found their shorts they had worn to the party. The boys wore jeans and their thing 1,2,3,4,5 shirts. They all wash their faces and brushed their teeth. They didn't have enough time to take a shower. Liam got everyone piled into the car and peeled out the driveway. 


Once they got there they got out of the car. 

"Someone's hand was on my crotch!" Harry announced. 

"It was probably mine." Louis said with a wink.

"Oh Boobear." Harry said. 

"Oh brother," Ally said. 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Liam said. " It's their bromance now lets get to second period." Everyone ran off to their classes. About five minutes later the bell rang and it was time for 3rd period in Mr. Clark's choir class. All of them had this class together. It wasn't really a choir class but more of a sit-there-and-do-absolutely-nothing class. Most of the people used this time to talk and do homework.  

"I call a group meeting," Ally said calling for Molly, Niki, and Jasmine. 

"What is it?" Jasmine asked. 

"We need one more member for our group." Ally said. 

"Why?" Molly asked. 

"Because the boys have five." Ally said. 

"That is true but where are we gonna find someone?" Niki asked. 

"We can have auditions right now!" Jazzy (Jasmine) said.  



I'm adding another character to make things even! 

Oh! Surprises! 

I gotta go eat. Random note. It's 5:39pm! K gotta go 

Loves and kisses!

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