6.1 Hotel

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Zayn's P.O.V

The ride back to the hotel felt longer than before. When we arrived back to the hotel everyone was tired. Everyone that is, except for Niki. While we were in the limo she opened the fridge and pulled out a new drink called Energy Juice. She took one sip and fell in love with it. Niki chugged the whole thing down. Anyway she was the only one who didn't want to sleep.

"Hey guys!" She yelled, "lets play a game! Any game!" Everyone just ignored her and hopped into bed. I took my shirt, trying to get comfortable, and out of nowhere Niki came running into the guys room, screaming. Then she ran out the hotel room with a can of Energy Juice.

"Zayn!" Harry groaned.

"What?" I replied.

"Go get her." he said, his voice muffled by the pillow.

"Why me?" I complained.

"Because she was yelling 'Zaynie Waynie come play with me'." Harry replied mimicking her voice.

"Really? Why didn't I hear that?" I asked.

"Because your silly!" Niall stated like a little kid.

"Do I have too?" I groaned sleepily.

"She's your girlfriend." Louis pipped up.

"No shes-" I began to say but I knew it was no use because they were already in bed. I didn't bother putting my pants on be cause how long could this take? With a sigh I wondered out into the hall only to find Niki throwing back handsprings down the hallway. When she stopped she turned to face me and a huge smile creeped across her face. She took a sip of the drink she had placed down and ran toward me. Niki tackled me to the ground and straddled my waist.

"Ouch! What was that for?" I asked. She just laughed and laughed.

"Wait how many of those did you drink?" I questioned. Still on top of me she shyly held up 3 fingers. My mouth fell agape. I sat up and looked her in the eyes.

"Does that include the one over there?" I asked motioning to the drink on the ground.

"No," Niki said.

"Okay well I'll just get up and," I said calmly as I tried to push Niki off of me.

"No!" She yelled pushing me back down. It was as if she drank alcohol. I bet there was some in the drink. But that would be bad because energy drinks speed up your body while alcohol slows it down. That would confuse her body.

"Yes! You can't have anymore." I pressed into her sides making her jump. I continued to tickle her until she fell off of me. I got up and dashed to the drink.

"Noooooo!" She wailed as she came running after me. I grabbed the drink just as she caught up to me. I held the drink above my head and she jumped for it.

"Give it back Zayn!" Niki frowned.

"Aw your so cute when your mad." I said as I pecked her on the nose.

"Since I'm so cute can you give it back?" She begged with her big brown eyes. I lowered the drink and reached it out toward her. Just as she was about to grab it I chugged it down. I instantly felt a burst of energy. End of P.O.V

Niki and Zayn ran up and down the hall, bouncing off the walls. All of a sudden the elevator doors opened and and there stood a group of little girls. They were around 13-15 years old.

"Hey I know you guys!" The little blonde girl said, "You guys are on XFactor!" The group was obviously a group of die hard Xfactor fans because they all started freaking out.

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