7.3 Betrayed?

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Caution: Cussing... And a lot of it.

Niki's P.O.V

After we crossed the bridge We were at the stage. I wasn't really paying attention to anything but I knew people were here.

"What the fuck!" Ally screamed and pointed. I snapped out of my trance. A few feet in front of us was my boyfriend sucking face with that slut, Bridgette. Everything went dead silent and all eyes were on us. Zayn quickly pulled away and looked into my eyes. Tears were threatening to flow over my naturally long eyelashes. Zayn had his mouth hanging open, trying to find words. He took a step toward me and I took a step back, shaking my head as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Niki?" Mindy asked in a sad tone and gently touched my shoulder.

"I'm going to fucking murder your ass!" Ally screamed.

"No," I said and another annoying tear trickled down my cheek, "he's no worth it." I finished in a sad, monotoned voice. He took another cautious step toward me and that set me off. I had to leave. I couldn't stay. My feet began to move me. My heart was heavy in my chest.

"Niki wait!" Zayn called. I could hear the pounding of feet behind me. Tears blurred my vision as I ran down the sand part of land near the lake. I keep tripping in the sand but I got up and ran. I guess I tripped one time to many because he caught up to me and pulled me into a hug. All my good memories of Zayn flushed into my brain and made my sobs even louder. As much as I needed someone's arms to be in I wasn't going to let Zayn take advantage of my weakness.

"Stop!" I cried as I pulled away. I slapped him as hard as I could. He held his had to the red mark on his face.

"But it's not what it looked like." He said in a soft voice. I shook my head and ran back toward my friends. Once I reached them I them Ally's pulled me into a tight hug. Liam, Harry, Niall, and Louis ran over to hug me as well. Everyone was telling me they were sorry and saying said things that made me even more depressed. By the time I was passed to Liam to be hugged, I fell apart in his arms. I sobbed into his chest.

"I just wasn't good enough. I'm just ugly" I sobbed. I felt Liam stiffen up.

"Don't you ever say that!" Liam said, "You are beautiful and anyone would be lucky to have you. I'm sure their it a good explanation." Liam soothed me as he stroked my hair.

"Really?" I questioned raising my head to look at him. We warmly smiled and whipped my tears of my face.

"Of course." He said. End of P.O.V

Zayn's P.O.V

There was so much pain in her eyes. It pained me to see her like this. I knew I couldn't talk to her right now. So I walked back in the same direction I came. As I walked back a few salty tears slipped down my face. Once I got back to the beach a few more people were there. They weren't really playing attention to us. I walked over to my friends, who most likely hate me now. Niki was curled up in Liam's lap, on the ground. A small twang of jealously flushed through my body. Liam must have noticed because he gave me a sympathetic look. Niki still didn't seem to notice me.

"Why the fuck are you here!" Ally said coldly. Ouch. But if someone broke my friends heart I would be pissed too.

"To make things right, if I still can." I said in a small voice. Sorrow filled my eyes. A tear spilled over but I quickly whipped it away. Ally shot daggers at me but let me see Niki. Niki looked up at me with such pain and sadness in her eyes. She stood up and I lead her to the water. We just slowly walked in the shallow water. She stopped and turned to face me. Her brown eyes burned into mine.

"Why?" Niki said. Her voice cracked at the end.

"She kissed me." I said.

"What?" Niki said in disbelief.

"She.Kissed.Me" I said more slowly. Her face lit up with hope.

"I would never do that to you. I love you. You mean the world to me." I explained. A small smile appeared on her face.

"Did you like that kiss better?" Niki asked playfully.

"I don't know?" I said, "I don't think I remember the last time we snogged." I smirked. The smile grew larger.

"I guess I need to remind you." Niki said. She jumped up and our lips locked together. She wrapped her long legs around my waist and threw her arms around my neck. My hands supported her bum. The kiss was nice and sweet. It was full of passion. Her lips felt so soft and delicate. I heard hooting and whistling coming from our friends.

"Get it in Zayn!" Harry yelled. Niki smiled into the kiss. She pulled away.

"So?" She asked.

"Way better. It was perfect." I replied. She pecked my lips once more and untangled our bodies.

Our friends came splashing through the water. Ally ran up and hugged Niki.

"Aw I knew it was a misunderstanding!" She said.

"You said you'd kill me!" I exclaimed.

"And I still will if you ever hurt her again." She said.

"Oh, Ally I can handle it myself," Niki said. She came running toward me and tackled me into the water. We all splashed in the water.

"Shouldn't you be beating up Bridgette?" Jazzy asked. Louis face palmed himself.

"Don't reminder her!" Louis yelled. Within seconds Niki was halfway down the beach. I chased her down the crowded beach. I didn't have to stop her because Simon just called for everyone's attention.

************************************Authors Note:

I wonder why Simon called they all together.

Looks like Niki is out to get Bridgette.

Loves and Kisses. I'm sad break is over...

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