Chapter Two: Past, Present and Future (Edited)

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Edited: 27/10/2022

A/N: Zuzu's weapon is changed from the Pinaco Hammer to the Pinaco Mace.


In a countryside, Matt orders his brother to collect some eggs after secretly spying him practicing fencing. Riley tried to search for Rubik, his pet dog and finds it barking at a rock for unknown reasons. When Fury is about to kill him out of annoyance, Riley grabs a nearby metal pipe and fights him, but to no avail due to Fury's thick hide. After being hit by one of Fury's lightnings, Riley's metal pipe hit the rock, which reveals a green Energem that bonds with him and transforms the pipe into a Dino Saber. With his newfound weapon, Riley gets the upper hand on Fury long enough for him and Rubik to escape.

Riley packs his belongings and bids farewell to Matt and his mother before departing to the Amber Beach Museum. While in the middle of the journey, his scooter breaks down and coincidentally met with Tyler, Shelby, Aaron, and Zuzu whom also go on the same journey. Riley has no choice but to accept their offer as he jumps into Tyler's jeep and after that, they save a man from his car via their Energems' powers.

[Aaron Johnson]

We were still in Tyler's Jeep.

"Why would both of these things be in Dinosaurs Fossils?" Shelby asked, holding our Energems.

"Maybe the dinosaurs ate 'em." Tyler said.

"You aren't serious." Shelby said.

"Totally, you have a better theory, Miss Di-Know-it-all." Tyler said.

"Not gonna lie, that was actually pretty great." I said.

We saw a guy, and his scooter on the side of the road.

"Hey, what was it that your dad said?" Shelby asked.

"Helping is always." Tyler said.

"The right thing to do." Shelby, Zuzu and I said.

We stopped next to the guy.

"Hey, uh, you need a hand?" Tyler asked.

"Oh, no thanks, I think I just found the problem, I just gotta stick to the old learner's manual, and I should be good to go, you know?" The guy said. A truck went by, and it blew the manual off of his hand.


The guy is now on the back of the jeep with me and Zuzu, his scooter, as well.

"If I grew up on a ranch, I'd never leave." Shelby said.

"I know right." I said.

"What ranch?" Zuzu asked.

"I'll tell you later." I told Zuzu.

"How great is that? Cowboys and round-ups." Tyler said.

"Yeah, more like fixing fences and cleaning pig pens, but-" Riley said.

"Hey, something's up." Tyler said.

We saw a woman asking for help.

"Help, please! My husband is trapped, please." The woman said.

All of us got off the jeep, and went towards the car.

"Hang on!" Shelby said.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked the woman.

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