Chapter Eighteen: Deep Down Under

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Aaron POV

All of us are still in New Zealand. Tyler, and Riley are talking to Kendall, with their communicators. "I know you are all set to come back, but it's vital that you stay in New Zealand, until we find the Plesio Zord." Kendall said. "We're trying, but even after he bonded to the Energem, Albert never saw the Plesio Zord." Riley said. "Fact Albert became the Purple Ranger, fact the Plesio Zord must be awake." Kendall said.

"We're about to talk with some scientist named, Dr. Runga." Tyler said. "Shelby, thinks he can tells us where to start looking for the Zord." I said. "Dr. Runga? Really? If anyone knows about Plesiosaurs it's him, keep me informed." Kendall said. Tyler turned off his communicator. "Oh is that the guy?" Chase asked.

We looked at where Chase is looking, and saw the guy. "Wow, that's only him. I've only seen him on TV, and in books. Look guys, Dr. Runga has hundreds of fossils discoveries to his name." Shelby said, as she fixed Tyler's hair. "We have to be professional. Huh? Koda, I thought we agreed you were going to wear shoes, today." Shelby said. "But, shoes squish toes, it very much pain." Koda said.

All of us walked to where Dr. Runga is. We looked at his table, Dr. Runga looked back, and saw us, Shelby greeted him. Dr. Runga walked over. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, excuse me." Dr. Runga said. "Oh." Koda said, as he placed the piece of paper back on the table. "This is a restricted area." Dr. Runga said. "Hi, Dr. Runga, I'm Shelby Watkins, I called you earlier. From the Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum. In the United States?" Shelby said.

"Ah, yes, you're my competition." Dr. Runga said. "Competition- No. We're huge fans, I've read all your books, twice." Shelby said showing him the book. "You and three million other people. Now please, I'm a very busy man, what is it that you want?" Dr. Runga questioned. "Well to be blunt, if Plesiosaurus were still alive, where would they live?" Riley asked. "Let me understand, you're looking for a living dinosaur?" Dr. Runga said. Koda nodded his head.

"Wait, I know what this is. You're hunting for Taniwha aren't you?" Dr. Runga said. "Um, uh." Shelby said. "What's a Taniwha?" Tyler asked. "A Taniwha's a New Zealand myth." I said. "Like the Loch Ness Monster, it's an ancient creature that lurked in oceans and rivers." Chase explained.

"Experts, like myself, suspect that if Taniwha actually existed, they were really Plesiosaurs." Dr. Runga said showing us a tattoo of the Plesiosaur. "Pretty cool, bro." Chase said. "That's a Taniwha?" Koda questioned looking at the tattoo. "It, uh, does rather resembles a Plesiosaur." Ivan said. "It kinda does." I added.

"So, Plesiosaurus would've lived where? Did you say?" Shelby asked. "Coastlines, islands, sea caves, good luck." Dr. Runga said, as he left. We turned around. "So, coastlines, islands, sea caves. That's where we'll look." Tyler said.


All of us begin looking for the Plesio Zord or Taniwha.

Chase, and Riley were at the Piha Beach, looking for it.

Koda, and Ivan were in the Dino Charge Megazord Tri-Stego-Ptera Formation, looking for it, from the sky.

Me, Tyler, and Shelby were at the location Kendall sent us.

"Come on, come on." Tyler said looking through his binoculars. "There's nothing." I said. "Shelby, are you at the coordinates, I sent you?" Kendall asked through the communicator. "We're at Takakuna Beach, but there's no sign of-" Shelby started to say, until she noticed something. "Tyler. Aaron." Shelby called. We look at her, to see the Purple Energem glowing.

Tyler took out his communicator. "Guys, get here fast." Tyler said. The Plesio Zord appeared from the sea. Tyler took the Energem. Shelby took out her phone, and begin recording it. "I think, it wants the Energem." I said. "Wait, what's happening?" Tyler said, as we saw the Plesio Zord being attacked.

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