Chapter Four: Return of a Caveman (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

All of the Rangers were currently inside of the Ranger Base, they were all checking out the new Dino Cycle that Kendall had made. Well, most of them, Zuzu was currently hiding behind Aaron, him being a caveman there are still some things he's unfamiliar with, that being unfamiliar noises.

Koda came out of his cave, holding a stick. He turns around when the Dino Cycle makes a noise.

"Sorry, we didn't know you were sleeping." Kendall apologized to Koda.

"Kendall- Miss Morgan was just showing us our new Dino Cycle." Shelby told him. She moves out of the way and show Koda the Dino Cycle.

"Take one over, take a squiz." Chase said.

"A squiz?" Tyler, Riley, Shelby and Aaron asked looking towards Chase.

Zuzu also looked towards Chase, confused.

"A squiz, you know, a look?" Chase asked.

"I've lived in New Zealand for so long, and I still don't know some of their slangs." Aaron said shaking his head.

"Ugh, sometimes I wonder if I'm speaking English." Chase said going around the Dino Cycle.

"Heh, me too." Riley said.

"Take a look, Koda." Chase told him. "It's got everything from Laser Blasters to Energy Scanners, and most importantly..." He trailed off as he gets on it. "I look really good on it." He said. He starts up the Dino Cycle, and Koda hits the tire with his stick.

"Relax!" Tyler said.
"Easy!" Shelby said.
"Be careful!" Aaron said.

"Relax." Riley said, chuckling nervously.

"Sorry, my, instincts say: danger." Koda told them.

"No apologies, I totally get it." Shelby said, putting a hand on Koda's shoulder. "Where you're from, anything that makes a strange sound is a threat."

"Yeah, no worries." Aaron said. "I mean, even Zuzu's unfamiliar with the noise, but his instinct doesn't tell him danger." He looked towards Zuzu.

"My instincts tells me, to hide." Zuzu said.

Shelby's phone rang and Koda hits it with the stick. It fell onto the floor and broke. Shelby gasped.

"I'm sorry, Shelby, I-" Koda was about to say.

"No apologies, mate. She totally gets it." Chase said.

"He's grown accustomed to Morphing into a Ranger, but..." Kendall trailed off standing next to Koda.

"Some, modern things still give me, nervous?" Koda asked looking around.

Chase went towards Koda. "Look, you just need a few pointers, I've ridden everything from roller-coasters to kangaroos. If anybody can teach you how to ride, it's me." He told him. He reached where Zuzu is and brought him along. "The same goes for Zuzu." He said.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait a second there aren't any kangaroos in New Zealand those are in Australia." Riley stated.

"I can second that." Aaron agrees.

"Ah, details. Let's give it a go." Chase said. He leaves the base with both Koda and Zuzu.


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