Chapter Eleven: Break Out (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Inside]

Inside of the museum, Kendall walked onto the stag about to present the Stone of Zandar.

Tyler, Chase, Zuzu, Riley, Shelby and Kyle were standing by the side, applauding with the rest of the audience.

"The Stone of Zandar was discovered 800 years ago." Kendall starts. "When a young prince was being escorted by the king's knight, Sir Ivan of Zandar. While they were stopped for a drink, Sir Ivan discovered the gemstone in the creek. The monster's blow knocked the gem out of his hand, what happens next... no one knows. After saving the prince, Sir Ivan and the monster mysteriously disappeared. The prince found the gemstone and named it after his country: The Stone of Zandar. It has been the most famous piece in the Zandar's royal treasure ever since. Thank you all very much, please enjoy the exhibit."

The audience clapped again.

"Anyone seen Aaron?" Shelby asked.

"He's currently outside running an errand." Kyle told her. "He might have been caught up in something."


Outside of the museum, Koda was sitting on a tree eating an apple. He saw a limo and a car appearing at the entrance.

Five men in suits walked out of the vehicle, and headed towards the inside of the museum.

"Who is that?" Koda asked. He jumps down from the tree.

By this time, Aaron had just arrived at the entrance to the museum. he spotted the vehicles. "Hmm. I bit flashy." He said and continued on his way.

Koda jumps down from the tree, startling Aaron.

"Whoa, Koda..." Aaron sighed catching his breath. "Don't scare me like that." He told him.

"Aaron, people in black went inside." Koda told him.

"Black?" Aaron asked confused. "Oh, suits. I'm guessing they're not here to enjoy the exhibit?" He asked. Koda shook his head. "Than let's head inside." He said and they both went in.


"I'll be glad when this exhibit is over." Chase said. "So we can lock up the Stone of Zandar, safe and sound in the base."

The people that have just arrived went into the exhibit. "Collect the treasures." The leader of the group told his men.

The men in suits went up the stage to collect the exhibit.

"What's going on?" Tyler asked.

"It does not look good." Zuzu said.

"Excuse me. I'm the museum director." Kendall told the leader. "Just what do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"I'm taking what belongs to me." The leader said.

"Hey, whoa-whoa, no. That's impossible, because these belong to the Royal Family." Riley said. "Oh..." He trailed off realizing who he was talking to.

"Starting to get the picture are we?" The leader said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Philip III of Zandar. The real prince, unlike the imposters that have been masquerading around here." He took out a magazine showing Tyler and Shelby in disguises.

"I hate to say it, but Aaron was right." Kyle whispered to the others. "The Royal Family did find out."

"Wait a moment, this is you two, isn't it?" Phillip questioned looking at both Tyler and Shelby.

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